HARRISBURG, Pa. — Percheron drafts pranced their way to the top during the draft horse hitch competition Jan. 5 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg.
The event showcased draft horse versatility, offering classes ranging from six-horse hitches to commercial carriage classes to a fast-paced feed scurry. Exhibitors ranging from youth to adult ages participated in the hitch event.
The team hitch winners were exhibited by David Hershey of Spring Mount Percherons, Huntingdon County. In addition to their first place ribbon, the drafts also take home the honor of presenting the governor and agriculture secretary in next year’s opening ceremonies.
Hershey and his team also took home blue ribbons in the four-horse and unicorn hitch classes. Sarah Brockhoff of Dayton, Armstrong County, took home the top honors in the youth team hitch class. The popular six-horse hitch class was won by Ken and Karen Sandoe with their team of Belgian drafts from Sunny Hill Farm, Lebanon County.
Scoring criteria
Teams and drivers were judged on manners and performance, conformation and horsemanship. The judge for the show was Eric Geiman of Arcanum, Ohio.
The first-place winners for the draft horse hitch show were: six-horse hitch, Ken and Karen Sandoe, Sunny Hill Farm, Lebanon County; four horse hitch, David Hershey, Spring Mount Percherons, Huntingdon County; unicorn hitch, David Hershey, Spring Mount Percherons, Huntingdon County; team hitch commercial, Dave and Susie Rohrbach, Bee Tree Trail, Berks County; team hitch, David Hershey, Spring Mount Percherons, Huntingdon County.
Youth team, Sarah Brockhoff, Brockwood Farm, Armstrong County; feed scurry, Derry and Tammy Furry, Orchard View Clydes, Bedford Co.