Oil and gas scholarships awarded to 62

natural gas rig

GRANVILLE, Ohio — The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) and the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Foundation recently announced more than 60 students across the state have been awarded $1,000 scholarships to pursue degrees in the oil and gas industry.

“Since OOGEEP’s launch 20 years ago, we have seen significant changes within our industry, including the substantial increase in the number of smart, ambitious, and hard-working women and men who are committing themselves to our industry’s success,” said Scholarship Committee Chairman Frank Gonzalez, from GonzOil.


Students were required to submit an essay describing their personal and career goals in the natural gas and crude oil industry along with letters of recommendation and meet other academic requirements.

The 62 students in Ohio who received scholarships may use them to attend an accredited college, university, technical or trade school of their choice.

“I plan to use my degree to work toward understanding and taking care of our Earth while extracting resources from it,” said Rebecca Anderson, an earth and geological science major at Ohio State University and three-time scholarship winner. “I am thankful to be studying what I love, and I am excited to one day soon contribute to the oil and gas energy field.”

Helping youth

To date, more than 400 scholarships have been awarded by the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education’s Foundation, to students studying for careers in the oil and gas industry and other related energy fields.

To learn more about careers in Ohio’s oil and gas industry, including the list of local colleges, universities, career tech and vocational schools offering oil and natural gas specific degrees, certificates and training, visit http://www.oogeep.org/industry-workforce/careers/.

Links to OOGEEP’s recently launched “Oil and Gas Careers in Ohio” video series can be viewed at www.youtube.com/user/OOGEEP1. This series of 28 modern career videos highlights more than 75 in-demand jobs within Ohio’s crude oil and natural gas industry.