Ohio’s youth cattle exhibitors rack up the miles, and the awards


MARYSVILLE, Ohio — More than 400 people celebrated the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association BEST (Beef Exhibitor Show Total) Program as it wrapped up its 2007-08 show season June 7 at its annual awards banquet held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus.

More than 390 head of cattle were entered in the program, with more than 290 youth participating. The 2007-2008 BEST program featured 14 sanctioned shows across the state.

Show ring awards

The following were recognized with awards at the June seventh BEST awards banquet:

Angus. Champion heifer: Tyler Holcomb, Gallia County; reserve heifer: Lauren Grimes, Highland County; champion steer: Lindsay Schaeffer, Erie County; reserve steer: Kelsey Gahler, Ottawa County;

All other breeds. Champion heifer: Brandon May, Hancock County; reserve heifer: Lindsey Grimes, Highland County; champion steer: Blaine Buffenbarger, Madison County; reserve steer: Nathan A. Keener, Ashland County;

Chianina. Champion heifer: Ryan McIntosh, Brown County; reserve heifer: Tyler Fielding, Delaware County; champion steer: Aaron Hoerst, Butler County; reserve steer: Gretchen Straits, Holmes County;

Crossbreds. Champion heifer: Jessica Harsh, Delaware County; reserve heifer: Brad Dinnen, Greene County; champion steer: Kayla Campbell, Greene County; reserve steer: Brittany Huffman, Perry County; third-place steer: Kaitlyn Thompson, Miami County; fourth: Kyleigh DeFrank, Jefferson County; fifth: Madison Clark, Miami County;

Hereford. Champion heifer: Garth Regula, Coshocton County; reserve heifer: Wyatt Flatter, Greene County; champion steer: Mike Klingel, Marion County; reserve steer: Aron Burmeister, Sandusky County;

Limousin. Champion heifer: Hannah Williamson, Coshocton County; reserve heifer: Megan Greenawalt, Highland County;

Maine-Anjou/MaineTainer. Champion high percentage Maine-Anjou heifer: Randy Clinage, Holmes County; reserve heifer: Cameron Alexander, Clinton County; champion MaineTainer heifer: Megan Hunt, Darke County; reserve heifer: Andrea Clevenger, Athens County; champion Maine-Anjou steer: Kylee Shafer, Preble County; reserve steer: Kayla Valdinger, Harrison County;

Shorthorn. Champion heifer: Ashley Rumpke, Preble County; reserve heifer: Madison Clark, Miami County; champion steer: Brandon Klehm, Stark County; reserve steer: Brandon May, Hancock County; champion Appendix Shorthorn heifer: Stephanie Dickson, Morrow County; reserve heifer: Sarah Simpson, Brown County; champion Appendix Shorthorn steer: Meghan Reed, Sandusky County; reserve steer: Kyleigh DeFrank, Jefferson County;

Simmental. Champion heifer: Scott Puzacke, Tuscarawas County; reserve heifer: Brady Clemens, Morgan County; champion steer: Brandon May, Hancock County; reserve steer: Seth Miller, Williams County;

Market class. Champion heifer: Carly Birney, Harrison County; reserve heifer: Mackenzie Curless, Clinton County.

Bred and owned champions

Grand champion heifer: Hannah Williamson, Coshocton County, (Limousin); reserve heifer: Lauren Grimes, Highland County, third: Jordon Mullett, Coshocton County; fourth: Brady Clemens, Morgan County; fifth: Wyatt Flatter, Greene County;

Grand champion bred and owned steer: Brandon Klehm, Stark County (Shorthorn); reserve: Meghan Reed, Sandusky County; third: Brandon May, Hancock County; fourth: Aron Burmeister, Sandusky County.

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Showmanship winners

Champion beginner showman: Kady Davis, Carroll County; reserve champion: Anna Kiesewetter, Miami County; third: Curtis Harsh, Delaware County; fourth: Colton Northrup, Ottawa County; fifth: Lauren Ott, Huron County;

Champion junior showman: Derek Miller, Williams County; reserve: Kaitlyn Thompson, Miami County; third: Lauren Grimes, Highland County; fourth: Jessica Harsh, Delaware County; fifth: Madison Clark, Miami County;

Champion intermediate showman: Megan Hunt, Darke County; reserve: Ryan McIntosh, Brown County; third: Caleigh Ott, Huron County; fourth: Victoria Trbovich, Carroll County; fifth: Jordon Mullett, Coshocton County;

Champion senior showman: Ashley Rumpke, Preble County; reserve : L.V. Kline, Stark County; third: Lindsey Grimes, Highland County; fourth: Dwight Hamilton, Highland County; fifth: Justin Kinser, Stark County.

Adult awards

Sponsor Steve R. Rauch and the BEST committee recognized Gail Martindale as the recipient of the Friend of the BEST Program award. Martindale has served as the Hot Shot Classic Show Chairman for many years and the 2008 show was her last year as chairman.

The Ohio Beef Expo junior show committee was recognized for organizing the 2007-2008 Outstanding BEST Show. The recipient was chosen from participant surveys.

Scholarship, trailer winners

BEST participants Lindsay Schaeffer, daughter of Chris and Sharon Schaeffer of Castalia, and Megan Greenawalt, daughter of Mike and Kristen Greenawalt of Lynchburg, each received a $1,500 college scholarship, based on academics and extracurricular activities.

Another highlight of the BEST program awards included free use for the 2008-2009 BEST season of an livestock trailer complete with BEST logo detailing, donated by Eby Trailer. Lauren Ott of Huron County was in shock when her name was drawn from the raffle drum containing more than 2,500 names.

Other winners

Essay contest winners included: beginners: first, Amanda Plaisted, Perry County; second, Malania Birney, Harrison County; third, Kady Davis, Carroll County.

The junior division winner was Jenna Champer of Madison County; second, Austin Trbovich, Carroll County; third, Courtney Plaisted, Perry County.

Intermediate division: first place went to Ashley Winters, Morrow County; second, Lindsey Voge, Preble County. The senior winner was Kelsey Gahler of Ottawa County; second, Bailey Harsh; third, Heidi Mirise of Morrow County.

The 37 participants who traveled to all 14 shows were entered into a drawing to receive one of two free show passes. Each show pass has a value of over $600 as it can be used to enter one animal at each show in the 2008-2009 season. The winners of the show passes were Kylee Shafer of Preble County and Brandon Corry of Greene County.

Brandon Klehm’s name was drawn for a door prize and he hit the jackpot as he received the third show pass of the evening.

Photography contest

A highlight of this year’s program was the photography contest. In the beginner division, first and second places went to Kady Davis and third to Austin Buhrow of Ottawa County.

Will Harsh placed first and third in the junior division, with second place honors going to Jenna Champer of Madison County.

In the senior division, Bailey Harsh placed first and second and Bethaney Enos of Guernsey County, third.

The Editor’s Choice award went to Bailey Harsh and Kady Davis won the Editor’s Choice Honorable Mention Award. Tracie Enos of Guernsey County was recognized as the Adult Division Winner.

During the banquet, new junior representatives to the BEST committee for the 2008-2009 season were announced: Lindsey Grimes, Dwight Hamilton and Bailey Harsh.

BEST is a youth program of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors through a series of shows.