Ohio’s final 2024-25 deer hunting season report

deer final
Ohio hunters checked 238,137 deer during the 2024-25 hunting season. (ODNR photo)

COLUMBUS – Hunters across Ohio checked 238,137 white-tailed deer during the 2024-25 hunting season that concluded on Feb. 2, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.

The final total, the fourth highest number of deer taken on record, represents all deer bagged during archery, gun, muzzleloader and youth seasons since Sept. 14, 2024.

In 2023-24, deer hunters checked 213,927 deer. The three-year average (2021 to 2023) is 207,295.

Historic deer hunting totals

The number of deer bagged in 2024-25 is the highest since 2010-11. Ohio’s five highest deer season totals:

2009-10: 260,442

2008-09: 251,299

2010-11: 238,683

2024-25: 238,137

2006-07: 236,676

Ohio’s deer checked, by individual season in 2024-25

Archery: 106,269

Weeklong and two-day gun seasons: 104,565

Four-day muzzleloader season: 13,476

Two-day youth season: 10,449

Controlled firearm hunts: 3,378

Top 10 counties

Coshocton: 8,196

Tuscarawas: 7,373

Knox: 6,730

Muskingum: 6,269

Ashtabula: 6,042

Guernsey: 5,762

Carroll: 5,759

Licking: 5,754

Holmes: 5,684

Richland: 5,028

Most popular hunting implements

Crossbow: 78,254 (33%)

Straight-walled cartridge rifle: 77,027 (32%)

Shotgun: 34,338 (14%)

Vertical bow: 30,839 (13%)

Muzzleloader: 17,092 (7%)

Handgun: 587 (less than 1%)

Deer type checked this season

Does: 115,683 (49%)

Antlered bucks: 97,618 (41%)

Button bucks: 21,689 (9%)

Bucks with shed antlers or antlers shorter than 3 inches: 3,147 (1%)

Permit sales

Ohio hunters were issued 431,660 deer permits across all hunting seasons. Hunters from all 50 U.S. states purchased nonresident hunting licenses for use during the 2024-25 seasons, many of them for deer. States with the highest nonresident license sales include:

Pennsylvania (7,898)

Michigan (5,205)

West Virginia (3,625)

North Carolina (3,287)

New York (3,170)