Ohio’s Farm Focus event canceled for 2009


VAN WERT, Ohio — The Farm Focus Field Day, scheduled for July 21 in Van Wert County, has been canceled due to state budget cuts that resulted in personnel reductions in the Ohio State University Extension program.

Coordinator eliminated

One of the personnel positions eliminated was the OSU Extension portion of the Farm Focus program manager. This position was financially supported by both the Ohio State University Extension and the Farm Focus Committee.

Along with managing the research plots, the program manager was also responsible for the coordination of the field day.

With the elimination of this position, the committee chose to cancel this year’s event although the research plot program will continue for 2009.


The Farm Focus program started back in 1974 as a cooperative effort between local Van Wert County farmers and Ohio State University Extension in an effort to provide educational information concerning new practices and technology.

What began as a field day and a county plowing contest became officially known as the Farm Focus Show in 1974 when it was the host site for the national plowing contest.

It grew to include exhibitors, equipment demonstrations, well known agricultural speakers, and wagon tours of the research plots.

Permanent location

The show originally moved around the county to different host farms each year until 1994 when The Marsh Foundation home farm became the permanent location for the show and research plots.

In 2004, the Farm Focus Committee decided to change from a two-day show to a field day type event held for just one day, and to focus more on the educational aspect of the event.

2009 plots

The research plots on the 300-acre site have been planted for the 2009 season, with plans to harvest the plots and publish the results in the fall. The results from this research will be published in final reports after harvest in December or January.

These reports can be obtained by contacting the Ohio State University Extension office in Van Wert County, or by visiting the Farm Focus Web site (http://farmfocus.osu.edu).

For more information, contact OSU Extension Van Wert County, 1055 South Washington St., Van Wert, Ohio 45891, 419-238-1214.