Ohio State Extension cancels 4-H events, camps


*Updated 4/08

Ohio State University Extension is canceling all 4-H events, activities and programs through July 6, and all 4-H camps through Aug. 31, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirk Bloir, Ohio’s 4-H assistant director told 4-H members and volunteers in an email today.

Bloir added that this does not necessarily mean that county fairs during those times are canceled. 

“While we are making decisions regarding the youth events we organize and manage … we are deferring to local decision-makers and Governor DeWine’s administration on the events owned by others, such as county fairs,” Bloir said in the email. “The decision about whether fairs will occur is in the hands of others.” 

Bloir said Ohio 4-H would be ready if fairs move forward, but would be prepared if fairs are canceled.

The Ohio Fair Managers Association said that Ohio’s fairs were still planning for the 2020 season, and none of them had canceled or been asked to close as of April 8.

While in-person 4-H events are canceled, Bloir said extension will still offer virtual programs. OSU Extension 4-H educators will share more information and updates on these programs as they develop.