Ohio natural gas production up 18.4 percent during 2012


COLUMBUS — Reports from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) show the development of Ohio’s mineral resources in 2012 produced more than $2.7 billion worth of geologic commodities, including increases in the extracted amount of oil, natural gas, limestone, sand and gravel.

The 2012 Report on Ohio Mineral Industries: An Annual Summary of the State’s Economic Geology and the 2012 Ohio Oil and Gas Summary contain information regarding the production, value and employment totals of Ohio’s various mineral industries.

Some highlights include:

  • Mineral industries produced $239 worth of resources for every Ohioan.
  • Natural gas production increased 18.4 percent. Ohio produced $1.1 billion worth of coal in 2012 — the fifth year in a row Ohio’s production value topped $1 billion.
  • Industrial mineral extraction employed more than 11,000 Ohioans.
  • Ohio had the second highest increase in limestone production in the United States.

Published yearly, both reports include information on the state’s mineral extraction activities.

The Report on Ohio Mineral Industries offers basic information about individual mines, groups of mines and also features detailed geologic information about coal and industrial minerals, along with extensive references.

The Ohio Oil and Gas Summary, details oil and gas activity statewide, including information regarding the Utica/Pt. Pleasant shale play.

The electronic versions of both reports are available as .pdfs by clicking on the following links:

Report on Ohio Mineral Industries
Ohio Oil and Gas Summary