Ohio Livestock Coalition to offers classroom materials


COLUMBUS — The Ohio Livestock Coalition has developed a package of educational materials for teachers designed to teach Ohio third-graders about the origins of the food they eat every day and about the important role agriculture plays in Ohio’s economy.

Free of charge

The For Your InFARMation materials support key Ohio academic content standards for social studies, language arts, science and math, and can be downloaded free of charge at www.ForYourInFARMation.com.

The For Your InFARMation materials were developed in consultation with a curriculum consultant and practicing third-grade teacher.

Essay contest

In conjunction with the launch of the For Your InFARMation materials, the Ohio Livestock Coalition also is sponsoring a statewide essay contest for third-graders. The group will award a free, all-expenses-paid field trip to an Ohio livestock farm to the winning essay-writer’s entire class.

More specific information about the essay contest rules and submission deadline is available at www.ForYourInFARMation.com.


  1. Wonderful work. We must educate the youth. If the only voice speaking is that of animal rights, it will be the only voice heard. Now if we can make this effort nation wide!