Ohio a great place to get out on a bike


COLUMBUS — The League of American Bicyclists ranked Ohio 16th on its 2014 “Bicycle Friendly States” ranking.
Ohio’s 2014 Bicycle Friendly Report Card recognizes improvements in education and encouragement through Safe Routes to

School, Share the Road, and other local and regional programs encouraging safe bicycling and walking.

To help improve the state’s previous ranking by 50 percent, Ohio Department of Transportation partnered with several communities, agencies, businesses and bike advocacy groups, including the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio

Department of Health, Ohio Bicycle Federation, and Metropolitan Planning Organizations around the state, to enhance and encourage bicycle friendly education, investment and policy.

In addition, Ohio was applauded for its state funding commitment to active transportation infrastructure, having a statewide advocacy group and including bicycle safety in its Strategic Highway Safety Plan.

Ohio Department of Transportation  lends support to local governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations to encourage, educate, plan and design pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

Recent active transportation investments include $2.8 million on state Route 32 in Clark County and $3 million on U.S. 62 and $1 million on Summit and Fourth Street in Franklin County.

As well, 24 Safe Routes to School projects worth $8.6 million will begin construction this summer, which will provide safer access for students to walk or bike to school.

Statewide, Ohio has 2,043 miles of sidewalk on U.S. and State Routes, 4,207 miles of bikeways and 13 bikeway trails of national significance.

For more information on the League of American Bicyclists, visit www.bikeleague.org.