Ohio Corn Marketing seeks board members

corn field

DELAWARE, Ohio — The Ohio Corn Marketing Program will hold an election Dec. 15 for five districts on its board.

The five districts up for election include District 3: Erie, Huron, Lorain, Medina, Cuyahoga, Summit, Lake, Geagua, Portage, Ashtabula, Trumbull and Mahoning; District 5: Hancock, Hardin, Wyandot and Crawford; District 9: Logan, Union, Delaware and Champaign; District 12: Clark, Greene and Madison and District 15: Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey, Harrison, Belmont, Monroe, Noble, Perry, Morgan, Washington, Hocking, Vinton, Athens, Meigs, Jackson, Gallia, Adams, Scioto and Lawrence

Nominating petitions can be retrieved from Brian Baldridge, director of Ohio Department of Agriculture, at the ODA office, 8995 East Main St., Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

Petitions must have at least 25 valid signatures from Ohio corn growers within the district the candidates seeks election, and need to be returned to ODA by Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. If only one valid petition is submitted in a district, there will be no election and the candidate will be appointed.

For more information, contact David Miran Jr. at 614-728-6390 or 800-282-1955.