ODNR to host open houses on chronic wasting disease

white-tailed deer

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife will host two open houses to spread information about Chronic Wasting Disease in white-tailed deer.

One open house will be in Allen County on April 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Johnny Appleseed Park Headquarters, 1682 Slabtown Road in Lima. The other will be in Wyandot County on April 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wyandot County Fairgrounds in the dining hall, 10171 OH 53 in Upper Sandusky.

CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects white-tailed deer. During the open houses, Division of Wildlife staff will discuss the biology of CWD, test results from the 2023-2024 deer hunting season, efforts to slow the spread of the disease and future management plans. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentations. More information is available at ohiodnr.gov/cwd.