NW Ohio classes asked to join H2Ohio Students Take Action


FINDLAY, Ohio — H2Ohio Students Take Action invites middle and high school classes in northwest Ohio to participate in its outdoor educational program during the school year. The program, administered by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife, provides teachers and students with real-world learning opportunities, access to wetland sites and career exploration opportunities.

Students in grades 6-12 can get hands-on experience contributing to the restoration of critical wetland habitats. The program focuses on wetland restoration projects restored through H2Ohio.

H2Ohio Students Take Action curriculum includes a presentation from Division of Wildlife staff, the coordination and completion of a wetland restoration experience and a hands-on recreation activity aimed at connecting students with local wetlands. The program meets Ohio Learning Standards through the Ohio Department of Education.

This program is focused on school districts in northwest Ohio, however schools outside of this region may still apply. To register your interest, complete the online form at ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/education-training/environmental-education/sta. Homeschool communities, scout troops and other youth groups are also eligible.



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