New immigration plan creates problems doesn’t consider agriculture

Immigrants working in field

President Obama’s new immigration legislation will impact American farmers who depend on immigrant workers, according to USA Today.

The plan, which will protect millions of undocumented immigrants, but farm workers won’t be permitted to apply for protection due to their jobs unless they have been in the U.S. for more than five years.

The labor shortage commonly prompts farmers to hire immigrants because they’re willing to work. With the new legislation, farms will see a shortage of workers, which will lead to production outside of the U.S.

From USA Today:

“Agriculture groups said a failure to reform the labor policy would drive more production outside the country, leaving more fruits and vegetables vulnerable to rotting in fields, and putting at risk the nation’s abundant and safe food supply. Some producers say they are finding it increasingly difficult to hire the labor they need to package meat and tend to livestock or pick strawberries, flowers, tomatoes and other crops.”

Via: USA Today > Agriculture largely left out of Obama immigration plan