NCGA announces winners of 2011 National Corn Yield Contest


ST. LOUIS — Advanced production techniques, informed growing practices and improved seed varieties helped corn growers achieve high yields in the National Corn Growers Association 2011 National Corn Yield Contest.

Despite the challenging weather conditions that plagued the Corn Belt throughout the year, entrants continued to far surpass the national average corn yield, even doubling it in some circumstances.


The National Corn Yield Contest is in its 47th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members. With 8,425 entries, the 2011 NCGA National Corn Yield Contest set a new participation record again this year.

This is a 18 percent increase over 2010 (7,125) and a 70 percent increase over 2007 (4,932).
The 18 winners in six production categories had verified yields averaging more than 313.107 bushels per acre, compared to the projected national average of 146.7 bushels per acre in 2011.

While there is no overall contest winner, yields from first, second and third place farmers overall production categories ranged from 277.5 to 429.0 bushels per acre. The national and state contest winners will be honored at the 2012 Commodity Classic in Nashville, Tenn. March 1-3.
The national winners are as follows:

(Entrant, City, Field, Hybrid Brand, Number, Yield)

A. Non-irrigated

1. 1 Justice Family Farm, Beckley, VA, Pioneer, P2023HR, 288.4817.

AA Non-irrigated.

1. Kevin Kalb, Dubois, IN, DEKALB, DKC64-69, 322.1727.

A No-Till/Strip Till Non-irrigated

Mike Scholting, Louisville, NE, Pioneer 32T84, 293.5917.

AA No-Till/Strip Till Non-irrigated

1.Eugene Steiger, Bloomington, WI, DEKALB, DKC62-97, 297.6489.


1. Double ‘SA’ Farms Inc., Hart, TX, Pioneer, 32N74AM1, 370.3836.

No-till/Strip Till Irrigated

1. David Hula, Charles City, VA, Pioneer, P2088HR, 429.0216.


Ohio and Pennsylvania winners are as follows:

A. Non-irrigated

1. Kyle L Henninger, Breinigsville, DEKALB, DKC58-83, 219.4793.

2. AAA Farming, Lebanon, DEKALB, DKC65-44, 219.4433.

3. Linda Krall, Lebanon, Pioneer, P1395XR, 209.6243.

AA Non-irrigated


1. Herring Farms-Jim, Harpster, DEKALB, DKC63-84, 305.7750.

2. Herring Farms-Phil ,Harpster, Shur Grow, SG-720, 291.7814.

3. Jeff Bassler, Upper Sandusky, DEKALB, DKC59-64, 288.7927.

No-Till/Strip Till Irrigated


1. Jim Motycka, Napoleon, Pioneer, P1395XR, 229.9808.

2. Mike Funderburgh, North Lewisburg, Pioneer, P1018AM1, 216.2148.


1. Darren Charles, Lancaster, DEKALB, DKC57-50, 238.7081.

2 Mast Farms, Morgantown, Pioneer, P1184HR, 203.2073.

3 Cherry Crest Farm, Ronks, Pioneer, P1395, 197.2882.

No-Till/Strip Till Non-irrigated

1. David Wolfskill, Wernersville, DEKALB, DKC64-69, 270.5254.

2. A Dale Herr, Kirkwood, Pioneer, P1395XR, 234.7710.

3. Burnin Bushels Inc., Lebanon, DEKALB, DKC61-69, 216.7164.



1. Byron P Gearhart, Chillicothe, DEKALB, DKC64-69, 243.6779.

2. Motycka Brothers, Napoleon, Channel, 210-61VT3, 213.2248.


1. Paul D Mast, Morgantown, Pioneer, P1395XR, 221.4457.

2. Conestoga Meadow Farm, Morgantown, Pioneer, P1395XR, 221.3055.

3. Rhoda Mast, Morgantown, Pioneer, P1395XR, 206.3426.

AA No-Till/Strip Till Non-irrigated


1. Roger Dobbins, Cedarville, DEKALB, DKC63-84, 253.1896.

2. Flat Rock Acres Ltd., Pemberville, Pioneer, P1395XR, 249.9816.

3. James Jacobs, Bloomingburg, Seed Consultants, SCS, 10HQ81, 249.5695.