NASHVILLE, Tenn. — National Farmers members stated their position on several key policy issues at their annual ag business conference in Nashville Jan. 22.
Members re-affirmed their support for country of origin labeling (COOL) by encouraging U.S. trade representatives to appeal the recent WTO ruling on COOL.
Members also recommended eliminating the trade embargo with Cuba. Organization members also oppose legislation that would give the president of the United States fast-track authority to negotiate trade agreements, because it would prevent Congress from having direct involvement in the negotiations.
Members said such agreements must adequately address labor and environmental issues, country-of-origin labeling, dispute resolution, currency fluctuations, proper reporting of agriculture import and export data and food safety standards.
Members also urged Congress to require railroads to provide and maintain adequate and affordable transportation for the movement of agricultural commodities. Examples of rail delays complicated grain transportation during harvest last fall in the Dakotas and northern Minnesota.
National Farmers members supported the ability for consumers to know where and how their food is grown and processed. Therefore, they assert that food should not only be labeled with its country of origin, but also for the presence of genetically modified organism products (GMOs).
National Farmers Organization is also opposed to efforts by the NCBA to double the mandatory beef checkoff fee. National Farmers provides marketing and risk management services to thousands of beef producers in the United States