National DHIA offers $1,000 scholarships for 2020-21

corn kernels and dollar bills
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

National Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) is now accepting applications for $1,000 scholarships to full-time, incoming and continuing students at technical and two-year and four-year colleges/universities.


To be eligible for a National DHIA scholarship, the applicant must be a family member or employee of a herd on DHI test, family member of a DHI employee, or employee of a DHI affiliate. The DHI affiliate for the herd or affiliate employee must be a member of National DHIA. (AgSource Cooperative Services, Arizona DHIA, Central Counties DHIA, CentralStar Cooperative Inc., Dairy Lab Services, Dairy One Cooperative Inc., DHI Cooperative Inc., Idaho DHIA, Indiana State Dairy Association, Lancaster DHIA, Minnesota DHIA, Puerto Rico DHIA, Rocky Mountain DHIA, Tennessee DHIA, Texas DHIA, United Federation of DHIAs and Washington State DHIA are National DHIA members.)

Judges will evaluate applicants based on scholastic achievements, leadership, community activities and work experience, knowledge of and experience with DHIA, and responses to questions on the application. Applications are due Nov. 30, 2019. Recipients will be announced at the 2020 National DHIA Annual Meeting, set for March 3-5, in Savannah, Ga.

How to apply

To apply for a National DHIA scholarship, log on to: and download and complete the electronic application form. For more information, contact JoDee Sattler, National DHIA scholarship coordinator, at 414-587-5839 or

National DHIA will award approximately 20 $1,000 scholarships. Generous contributions from National DHIA members, friends and supporters help fund these scholarships.

National Dairy Herd Information Association, a trade association for the dairy records industry, serves the best interests of its members and the dairy industry by maintaining the integrity of dairy records and advancing dairy information systems.

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