Manure Science Review to discuss management and tile construction


CONTINENTAL, Ohio — Ohio State University’s 2010 Manure Science Review, featuring 10 educational sessions on handling, managing and utilizing manure, takes place from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Aug. 19, starting at the American Legion Hall, 109 South 5th St., in Continental in northwest Ohio.

The program is designed for livestock and crop producers, Soil and Water Conservation District and USDA personnel, Extension educators, certified crop consultants, and professional nutrient applicators.


The morning topics and speakers (held in the American Legion Hall):

• Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force, Kevin Elder, Livestock Environmental Permitting Program, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA).

• Lake Erie EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program), Mark Scarpitti, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), USDA.

• Control Structures for Managing Nutrients, Larry Brown, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and OSU Extension.

• Nitrification Inhibitors, Robert Mullen, OARDC and OSU Extension.

• Manure Plot Study Results, Glen Arnold, OSU Extension, and Albert Maag, Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District. The afternoon topics and speakers (on-farm demonstrations held at the Weller Farm):

• Tile Control Structures, Arnold and Maag.

• Cover Crop Plots, Arnold and Maag.

• Smoking Field Tile, Frank Gibbs, NRCS, USDA.

• Shallow Tillage, Arnold, Maag and Scarpitti.

• Manure Side-dress, Arnold and Maag.

The full-day program qualifies for five continuing education hours under ODA’s Certified Livestock Manager (CLM) program.

Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits are available too: 4.5 continuing education units (CEUs) for Soil and Water and 0.5 CEU for Nutrient Management.


Registration costs $25 per person before Aug. 13, $30 afterward, and includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Register by sending your name, address, e-mail address and check made payable to OARDC/OSU to Mary Wicks, OARDC/OSU, Ag Engineering Building, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691.

For more information, contact Wicks at 330-202-3533 or