Longhorn Tours cattle ranch starts tour season June 1


BARNESVILLE, Ohio — Longhorn Tours of Dickinson Cattle Co. will begin its eighth season June 1.

Longhorn Tours is open to the pubic from June 1 to September 1, and May to October by appointment. Special rates are given for groups of 20 – 40.

Guests board a bus for a 75-minute narrated educational excursion through Appalachia’s scenic hillsides.

Cattle are trained to come to the bus and guests can feed them from the bus windows. Cameras are welcome.


Featured cattle on the tour are Over Kill, a Texas Longhorn bull; Pretoria, one of the largest horned African Watusi bulls in the nation; Moojambi, an 85-inch, tip-to-tip horned exhibition white steer; Dip Stick a 2300-pound Buelingo bull; and the world famous International Champion Texas Longhorn cow, Jester.

Jester was born and raised on Dickinson Cattle Co. Jester is the fastest horn-growing cow in North America. Large horns are a purity trait of registered Texas Longhorns. Jester is 6 years old and will be well over 80 inches this year.

Pavilion and tables are available for paying guests. Longhorn’s Head To Tail Store hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.

For more information on DCCI visit www.texaslonghorn.com. For tours visit www.longhorntours.com.