Local Food Summit 2012 planned in northcentral Ohio


OBERLIN, Ohio — The New Agrarian Center and NEOFoodWeb.org are hosting the Local Food Summit 2012 March 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lorain County Community College’s Sptizer Center, 1005 N. Abbe Road, Elyria, Ohio.

The event is offered in partnership with Lorain County Community College and the Oberlin Project.

About the event

Learn about growing a local food system, whether you are a backyard gardener, farmer, business owner, educator, or just someone interested in getting involved with efforts to grow local food systems.

The event will feature a keynote address by June Holley, founder of the Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACENet) and international expert on network-based approaches to economic development.

The event will be facilitated by Jack Ricchiuto, author and leadership facilitator based in Cleveland.

The event will provide an interactive format that will allow you to learn and network with others.


Registration is $30. Most of the entrance fee will go toward a common investment pool that will be invested in growth of regional networks.

There is a $10 discount if you bring one person, and if you bring two people, your event fee will be waived. Alternatively, you can pay with your time by agreeing to volunteer for three hours with the George Jones Farm or with City Fresh in lieu of the event fee.
Participants are also asked to bring a donation of either seeds or food for the Food Bank.

For more information, contact Sandy Kish-Jordan at 440-396-6966.