COLUMBUS — The Ohio Livestock Coalition board of directors recently elected new officers and identified three key areas to guide its direction for 2013.
Officer elections
Dick Isler, executive vice president of the Ohio Pork Producers Council, will serve as president . Isler replaces David Glauer, DVM, who served as president the past two years.
Glauer will continue to represent the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association on the OLC board.
Isler will lead the organization as it addresses its priority issues, including antibiotics in food producing animals, nutrient management and water quality issues, and maximizing resources available from national farm organizations working on similar issues.
The focus areas were approved at the Dec.19 board of directors meeting.
In addition to Isler, other officers include:
• Roger High, who represents the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, will serve as vice president.
• Scott Higgins, who represents the American Dairy Association Mideast and is a past president of OLC, was elected to serve as secretary/treasurer.
In 2012, OLC leadership developed a strategic plan to guide ongoing programs and strengthen OLC’s ability to meet its vision and mission.
The strategic plan identifies three priority areas for long-term success: drive unity among Ohio’s animal agriculture stakeholders; shape perception of animal agriculture in Ohio; and proactively identify emerging issues.
The OLC, formed in 1997, is a statewide trade organization consisting of diverse agriculture organizations and individual farmers committed to a mission of advancing environmentally friendly, socially responsible and economically viable livestock farming practices.