A federally funded work program is needed to put unemployed to work. Employers should register employees needed with job descriptions and skills required with the unemployment office.
The unemployed would be matched to suitable jobs and sent to employers for interviews. Hired workers would be paid by federal funds for a designated period of time.
As employees progress on the job and further education is needed to become more productive, financial help should be given to further one’s skills at local educational/training institutions.
People who have jobs are not using up unemployment funds which employers and employees contributed to, and instead are working and receiving pay to cover expenses to live.
Employers would be helped with workers doing jobs necessary to keep their businesses open. Other federally funded jobs regarding the infrastructure needs, environmental concerns, changes in sources of our energy, etc., must be considered and acted on immediately to help people.
Without jobs for the unemployed and without businesses to provide jobs, our country as we know it will not be. People need jobs!
Elaine Grissom
Quaker City, Ohio