Information for land owners and renters at


More than half the cropland in the north central region of the United States is rented. Rental rate and leasing information is highly sought by both land owners and land operators.

A new website,, includes multi-state materials that help land owners and land operators discuss and resolve issues to avoid legal risk. The website also guides both land owners and land operators towards informed and equitable decisions.

The “Document Library” within AgLease101 contains newly revised bulletins and sample leases in pdf format for free download and use. The sample lease forms are all in a fillable pdf format to allow users to input their own lease values and other specifics.

Updated information

Revised lease bulletins include:

–Fixed and Flexible Cash Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCFMEC-01);

–Crop Share Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCFMEC-02)

–Pasture Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCFMEC-03)

Newly revised sample leases include:

–Fixed and Flexible Cash Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCFM;EC-01A)

–Crop Share Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (N.CFMEC-02A)

–Pasture Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCFMEC-03A)

Fixed or flexible

One of the newly revised bulletins, Fixed and Flexible Cash Rental Arrangements for Your Farm (NCFMEC-01), aims to help operators and landowners develop equitable cash-rent arrangements and assist them in making sound decisions based on an equitable evaluation of resources.

The first section of this bulletin (Part I) addresses whether a fixed cash-rent lease arrangement should be used. Part II discusses how to develop an equitable fixed cash rental rate.

Part III outlines methods for developing a flexible cash rental lease and their advantages and disadvantages. Part IV discusses the importance of putting the agreement in writing.

A sample lease form is also included.

Covers all the bases

AgLease101 also includes a section of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) and a section “For Educators” that includes curriculum, teaching materials and web resources that can be used by state and county level Extension educators to conduct producer land rent/leasing workshops.

AgLease101 is online at:

AgLease101 was created by a team of economists and attorneys as a part of the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee. Participating universities include: The Ohio State University, Michigan State University, Purdue University, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, North Dakota State University, South Dakota State University, University of Nebraska, Kansas State University and University of Missouri.

The North Central Farm Management Extension Committee members provide leadership in the development of high quality research-based extension programs and publications that anticipate and meet the ever-changing business management educational needs of agricultural producers of the North Central States. Their programs and publications capitalize on the expertise of farm management faculty from throughout the region and country.

(Barry Ward is the leader of production business management in the Ohio State University Extension’s department of agricultural, environmental and development economics.)