Holmes County dairy producers awarded at banquet


MOUNT HOPE, Ohio — Holmes County dairy producers were recognized for their accomplishments during the annual dairy recognition banquet March 30 at Mrs. Yoder’s Kitchen in Mount Hope.


Hal and Rod Hunsberger had the high Holstein herd in the county among herds over 50 cows with 29,148 pounds of milk, 1,113 pounds of fat, 912 pounds of protein and 30,920 pounds of energy corrected milk. They also had the high Holstein aged cow for protein with 1,317 pounds of protein.

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• Gerber Valley Farm had the high Holstein herd in the county among herds under 50 cows with 23,254 pounds of milk, 958 pounds of fat, 737 pounds of protein and 25,611 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Springwalk Farms had the top Holstein aged cow for milk, fat and energy corrected milk with 51,062 pounds of milk, 2,517 pounds of fat and 58,465 pounds of energy corrected milk. They also had the top first lactation Holstein for milk, fat, protein and energy corrected milk with 43,480 pounds of milk, 1,794 pounds of fat, 1,244 pounds of protein and 46,905 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Doughty Valley Farm had the low somatic cell herd over 50 cows with an 111,000 average.

• Mead-Val Farms had the low somatic cell herd under 50 cows with a 129,000 average.

• R & R Swiss had the high herd for milk, protein and energy corrected milk among the county’s colored breed herds over 50 cows with 24,023 pounds of milk, 820 pounds of protein and 26,936 pounds of energy corrected milk. They also had the top aged cow with 34,211 pounds of milk, 1,642 pounds of fat, 1,122 pounds of protein and 40,529 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Dar-Re Jerseys had the high herd for fat among the colored breeds for herds over 50 cows with 996 pounds of fat. They also had the top first lactation cow with 24,306 pounds of milk, 1,140 pounds of fat, 892 pounds of protein and 29,133 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Springwalk Farms Guernseys had the high herd for milk, protein and energy corrected milk among the county’s colored breed herds under 50 cows with 19,832 pounds of milk, 1,010 pounds of fat, 648 pounds of protein and 24,520 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Spring Valley Farm had the low somatic cell herd over 50 cows with a 134,000 average.

• Hershey Hill Jerseys had the low somatic cell herd under 50 cows with a 164,000 average.

• Velvet View Farms was recognized as the most improved herd over 50 cows with an increase of 2,673 pounds of milk, 113 pounds of fat, 85 pounds of protein and 2,961 pounds of energy corrected milk.

• Marion Miller had the most improved herd under 50 cows with 2,674 pounds of milk, 118 pounds of fat, 87 pounds of protein and 3,068 pounds of energy corrected milk.

High lifetime production awards were presented to Doughty Valley Farm, Kick’s Dairy Farm, Dar-Re Farm, Ayrdell Farm, R & R Swiss, Springwalk Farm Guernseys and Pine Grove Guernseys.

Firman Wengard, Rod Hunsberger and Darrell Kick were re-elected to the DHI committee.

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