H2Ohio project to help eliminate algal blooms in Chippewa Lake

Algal bloom
Satellite view of a widespread algae bloom in September 2013, in Lake Erie. Credit: NASA

COLUMBUS — As part of Gov. Mike DeWine’s H2Ohio initiative, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) announced that it will partner with the Medina County Park District to help eliminate toxic algal blooms in Chippewa Lake, Ohio’s largest glacial lake.

The project, which spans three sites in Lafayette and Westfield Townships, will be funded through the H2Ohio initiative and led by the park district and will focus on diverting water from the Chippewa inlet into more than half a mile of newly restored stream channel to reduce nutrients flowing into the lake, including more than 20 acres of restored wetlands, and will add two acres of restored wetlands geared toward public outreach and educational opportunities for visitors to learn the benefits of these projects.

The Chippewa Lake Wetland Restoration Project is expected to cost $1.52 million. It is expected to be completed in December 2023. To learn more, visit h2.ohio.gov.