Grape school offers updates to growers

Grape research in Ohio.

JEFFERSON, Ohio — Increase the profitability of your vineyard with information gleaned at the upcoming Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School.

The workshop will be held March 10 at the Geneva Lodge & Conference Center in Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio. The program, which runs from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., is coordinated by OSU Extension, OSU Horticulture & Crop Science Department, KSU Vesta Program, and the Ashtabula Research Station for the Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center.

Registration opens at 9 a.m.

What’s on tap

Topics include: vineyard custom rates; managing crown gall; chemical and sustainable control options for grape diseases; managing weeds in vineyards; new advances in grape root stocks; soil sampling; and using spray adjuvents.

Featured speakers for this program are: Dr. Peter Cousins, grape breeder at E. & J. Gallo Winery, and Dr. Tom Burr, professor of plant pathology at Cornell University.

Additional speakers include Dr. Mike Ellis, Dr. Imed Dami, Dr. Doug Doohan, David Marrison and Les Ober from OSU Extension; and Eric Cotton, Lake Erie grape grower.


The registration is $35 per person, which includes program materials, lunch and refreshments. A registration flyer can be found at: Reservations are due by noon March 2.

The first 10 KSU Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance students who register will have their registration fee waived.

Ohio private pesticide applicator’s re-certification will be offered for CORE and Category 3-Grapes.

More information is available from the Ashtabula County Extension office at 440-576-9008 or by emailing David Marrison at


  1. For information on the unnecessary, superfluous, duplicate (of licensing and sanitation in liquor codes), and discriminatory (in favor of out of state wineries and in state ones producing grape juice) regulation of Ohio wineries by the Ohio Department of Agriculture please do an online search for FreeTheWineries