A roundup of FFA news for the week of Nov. 20, 2014:


BELOIT, Ohio — The West Branch FFA is starting its fruit fundraiser.

If anyone is interested in placing an order for fruit, beef Jerky or cider, contact the chapter at 330-938-4483.

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Members of Ohio’s Miami Trace FFA chapter placed eighth out of 44 teams participating in the National FFA Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event, held in conjunction with the National FFA Convention.

Evan Schaefer, Natalie Miller, Zach Ault, Kameron Rinehart, Cassidy Elam and Cody Climer competed with 257 other members from across the country. The team, led by advisers Tracy Dendinger, Bruce Bennett and Amanda Swigert, received a gold emblem.

The team placed in the top two in their preliminary round, which advanced them to semi-finals. The team placed eighth overall, which is the highest Miami Trace has earned in this particular event.

In addition, members of the team became accredited parliamentarians through the Society for Agricultural Education Parliamentarians for receiving high scores on the parliamentary procedure test.

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MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The West Holmes FFA held its annual haunted meeting at the Holmes County Fairgrounds Oct. 23. The business meeting included motions to hold the Greenhand lock-in Nov. 14-15 and pay for supplies, to hold the Greenhand Initiation Nov. 17 and to have Bill Baker be the speaker for Greenhand Initiation, to hold the awareness fair before Greenhand Initiation, to accept the fruit sale incentives as recommended from the earnings and savings committee and to attend the District 8 trap shoot with each participant paying $15. Then members walked through the haunted barns that the juniors and seniors had prepared.

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WEST SALEM, Ohio — Northwestern FFA shared one of its outstanding programs during the 16th annual Student Achievement Fair Nov. 11 at the 2014 Ohio Schools Boards Association (OSBA) Capital Conference and Trade Show.

Jordan Allshouse, son of Ben and Jaelyn Allshouse; Austin Beegle, son of Shaun and Portia Beegle; Treyton Jester, son of Jason and Macy Hastings; Cal Rhamy, son of Jeff Rhamy and Hanna Sanford; Katie Shambaugh, daughter of Aaron and Wendy Shambaugh; Coby Stough, son of Brian and Teresa Stough; Kenneth Strait, daughter of Ken Strait and Hope Saffle; and Brock Tegtmeier, son of Randy and Heather Tegtmeier attended.

OSBA showcased 11 innovative programs at this year’s fair, held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus. Northwestern was selected to participate based upon its program’s creativity and positive impact on student achievement. Students and staff from districts across the state exhibited their innovative programs at the fair. The event offered an opportunity to observe and learn what public school districts in Ohio are doing to enhance the learning and achievement in their schools.

The Student Achievement Fair is sponsored by the OSBA Student Achievement Leadership Team, which is an integral part of OSBA’s focus on improving public education. Approximately 10,000 school board members, administrators, teachers, students, vendors, and guests attended the four-day Capital Conference, which ran Nov. 9-12.

In its 59th year, OSBA leads the way to education excellence by serving Ohio’s public school board members and the diverse districts they represent through superior service and creative solutions.

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Hillsdale FFA attended the 2014 National FFA Convention Oct. 28- Nov. 1. The Hillsdale Ag Sales Team placed 1st in the State and qualified to compete at Nationals. The team members were Katie Major, Macy Payne, Kendra Cline and Malery Sloan. The team was given an Ag related project in the beginning of August 2014. They had to sell the product at the national contest.

The team was judged on skill and ability to sell, knowledge of the product and the written test on sales principals. The team also competed in a team project where they handle buyer’s issues and help decide what is best for the customer. The Hillsdale FFA Ag Sales Team received a Silver Rating.

On the way to the National Convention the Hillsdale FFA traveled to Lexington, Ky. to tour Alltech and Keeneland Farms. While in Louisville they had the chance to go to the Backstretch Breakfast at Churchill Downs, visit the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum and the Belle of Louisville.

The Hillsdale FFA attended opening session and heard an inspirational message from Nick Vujicic, a motivational speaker. During the Third General Session Oct. 30 members heard from Donnie Smith, President and CEO of Tyson Foods, Inc. On Oct. 31, Hillsdale FFA attended the Fourth General Session. The keynote speaker was Jeff Simmons, Elanco, President.

During the session Nov. 1, five Hillsdale graduates received their American Degree Awards. They were Dexter Rogers, Tara Moffett, Jacob Stitzlein, Mckenzie Stimmell and Zane Gross III.

The Hillsdale FFA Food Science Team competed Nov. 13 at Mapleton High School. They

competed at the district level. The team Included Zac Robinson, Ty Bolen, Joshua Davis and Bryce Jones.

The team placed 2nd overall which qualified them to compete at the state competition on Dec. 2.

Individual placing are as followed, Joshua Davis placed seventh. They are judged on the scores from a written test, their ability to taste and smell the differences in food and aromas.

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