A weekly roundup of 4-H news for the week of May 1, 2008


AURORA, Ohio — One of Portage County’s newest 4-H clubs, the Trail Blazers, have recently begun operating in the Aurora area.

They have elected club officers and began planning activities for the near future. Officers are: Gabe Molnar, president; Sam Connell, vice president; Emily Gajewski, treasurer; and Brynn Hirschman, secretary.

Advisers are: Robert Lamont, small animals; Carol Malz, nonanimal adviser; Kathy Kobyljanec, key leader; and Judy Zidonis and Krystal MacDowell, horse advisers.


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NEWARK, Ohio —New officers for Silver Spurs 4-H Horse and Pony Club have been elected for 2008.

They include: President Samantha Grimm, Vice President Amber Mitchell, Secretary Auberly Berringer, Treasurer Katelynn Greenawald, Historian Rachel Wilson, News Reporter Michelle Curtis, Program Chairwoman Stephanie Miller, and Program Co-Chair Emma Wilson.

The next meeting will be May 20 at the Hanover Presbyterian Church.

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KEENE, Ohio — The Above and Beyond 4-H Club met April 20 at Keene Church. Members voted on the fair theme for this year and finalized plans for a bake sale at Wal-Mart May 17.

Other fundraiser ideas were discussed. The club finalized plans for community service projects.

Keene Church will be getting back to the club about a cleanup date.

Members were reminded the June meeting is demo meeting. The next meeting will be May 18 at Keene Church at 6:30 p.m.

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NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Mahoning County Goat Herders met April 14 at the O’Brock Farm.

Old business included a discussion of the signs of a goat having scrapie; ketosis and toxemia were also mentioned.

New business included community service at Happy Trails Animal Sanctuary and sponsoring a goat with a one-time donation of $25 for feed.

Everyone got a change to trim hoofs and a demonstration was given on how to disbud a goat. Jonathon James showed the group how to castrate a goat using an elastrator and band.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. May 12 at the O’Brock Farm.

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WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers recently met at the joint vocational school with 12 members present.

Demonstrations were given on volleyball, baseball and how to put on pitchers’ gear.

Future plans include the fair and planting flowers at the fairgrounds for community service.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — Horse and Rider had its monthly meeting April 20. Members will be purchasing hoodies within a week.

The club helped with the Easter egg hunt at Western Reserve High School and has been asked to take on a larger role by being committee members for next year’s hunt.

The club’s adviser will be attending a meeting to see what would be required in this new role.

During the meeting, members also discussed many safety concerns when working with horses: how to desensitize horses to various objects and obstacles, how to properly pick up the horses’ hooves to clean them, etc.

Members also learned about Western Showmanship.

The club decided to hold a wheelbarrow raffle and each member will donate an item to be placed in the wheelbarrow.

The club has two upcoming horse shows June 29 and July 12. In order to help defray the costs of the shows and to aid in community service projects, members will be trying to get sponsorships from local businesses.

Riding meetings will begin May 8 at Buckeye Horse Park with Mark and Michelle Corll.

The next business meeting will be at 2 p.m. May 10 at the Maskarinecs’ house.

Make sure to bring a donated item for the wheelbarrow raffle.

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CHESTERVILLE, Ohio — Highland Achievers 4-H club met April 25 at the Chesterville United Methodist Church.

Adviser Julie Snyder led members through the installation of officers.

Unfinished business included reports from Trash Bash. There are still outstanding moneys from the 12 miles members completed.

Members were encouraged to write to former member Gabe Snyder, who is in the Army. Advisers also encouraged members to participate in the upcoming county safety speaking and demonstration contests.

J.J. Andrews gave a demonstration on cat safety.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. May 9 at Chesterville United Methodist Church.

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The Kool Kats 4-H club met April 21 to finalize plans for their dog show and clinic May 3 at the Stark County Fairgrounds.

The program will begin at 10 a.m. with the showmanship, obedience and rally obedience clinics. There will be a Cloverbud “doggie” show at noon with Cloverbuds either dressed as a dog or showing their favorite stuffed canine.

The dog show begins at 1 p.m. and is open to 4-H members with dog project . For more information, please contact Laura Miller at 330-875-1538.

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