PLYMOUTH, Ohio — Plymouth FFA went to the soil judging CDE Sept. 20 and placed third in competition. High scorers went on to participate in the district contest, held Sept. 28, where they won the district competition.
Zach Kanney placed as fifth high individual in county judging and Amy Grube placed as first high individual in district judging. The four students that will represent Plymouth FFA at state are Amy Grube, Craig Miller, Zach Kanney and Dustin Campbell.
The Plymouth FFA forestry team placed third in the district when they participated Sept. 14. The students who participated were Brian Bisel,Adam Predari, Elizabeth Beck, Zac Arnold, Levi Myers, Dustin Campbell, Tyler Elkins, Blake Pickleseimer, Hannah Shepard, Alisha Sexton, Brent Shepherd,Merle Richman, Chris Parsons, Ridge Elkins, Zach Kanney, Craig Miller, Megan Burrer and Megan Dawson. The tema place third out of eight other teams with Adam Predieri placing third and Levi Myers placing fourth as individually.
MINERVA, Ohio — President Bill Brown and former FFA member Kristen Cappelli won homecoming king and queen at the Minerva versus Marlington game Oct. 7.
The Minerva FFA chapter will have a petting zoo Oct. 15 at the Minerva October fest from 3-9 p.m. They will be selling fruit starting Oct. 14 for one month. Anyone wanting to place an order should call Bill Brown at 330-771-2679 or Chandlor Phillips at 330-205-5784. The next meeting will be Oct. 26.
COLUMBUS — The Firelands FFA officer team attended the Officer Leadership Training Conference, held Sept. 7 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Veteran’s Memorial in Columbus. Firelands officers along with Ohio FFA District 2 president, Ryan Roberts and Ohio FFA District 1 president, Carolyn Weihl, met with representatives of Gayle Manning, a state senator.
The FFA officers who attended were: Alex Tuggle, president; Emily Teaman, vice president; Josh Ward, treasurer; Gaby Sroka, sentinel; Erica Hanko, student adviser; Mikayla Habeck, assistant; and Callie Stevens, assistant.
ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Marlington FFA Forestry team traveled to Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio for the State FFA Career Development Event. In the forestry contest students are responsible for identifying forestry tools, products, using a topographic map system, and the students take measurements of the trees to determine their value in a timber cruising section of the contest.
Students are also tested on their general forestry industry knowledge. Students were also able to view Hocking College and hear about the college opportunities, which is important to Marlington Natural Resource students as they graduate with credit towards Hocking College.
Marlington placed 26th in the contest. The team was led by high scorer, senior, Rebecca Faverty, who placed 86th as an individual. Other team members were juniors Haley Faverty, Ashley Foster and Brittany Johnson.
On Oct. 12 ,during the Stark County Farm Tour. the Marlington FFA Chapter hosted FFA Kiddie Tractor Races at DalLama Acres in East Canton, Ohio.
FFA members arrived to help direct cars parking in the morning. During the day FFA members worked with the youngsters and let them race two pedal tractors. The idea was a hit and not only promoted agriculture but also the Marlington FFA chapter.
Over thirty kids came through during the day and raced the tractors; they could choose of course between a red and a green tractor.
HANOVERTON, Ohio — United Local FFA traveled to The Farm Science Review in London, Ohio Sept. 22. The students spent the day studying exhibits, farm equipment and other agricultural displays. While on the trip, United substitute teacher and chaperone, Sarah Swope, and her husband, Kevin, received the Conservation Farm Family Award of District 2 in Ohio for conservation efforts on their farm. The Swope Family is from Salem, Ohio, and they own and operate Heritage Lane Farm.
MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The West Holmes FFA met Sept. 26 at Acres of Fun in Wooster. A motion passed to pay for half of the tour bus, hotel and registration cost for national convention. The chapter decided to participate in the antique festival and buy candy and conduct the 2011 annual nut and citrus sale. The chapter also voted to adopt the fruit sale incentives that the membership development committee recommends and to pay $100 for every kid that attends National Convention.
ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Marlington FFA forestry team traveled to Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio for the State FFA CDE contest recently. Marlington placed 26th in the contest. The team was led by high scorer, senior Rebecca Faverty who placed 86th as an individual. Other team members were juniors Haley Faverty, Ashley Foster and Brittany Johnson.
BEVERLY, Ohio — The Fort Frye FFA rural soil judging team placed third in the district soil competition. The members of the team are Kyliee Seese, Dennis Palmer, Tristan Palmer and Hannah Lang, who will now compete at state. The urban soils team placed ninth in the district competition.
Members of the team are David Clark, Nathan Bullock and Briar Schultheisz.