A roundup of FFA news for the week of Oct. 11, 2012:


WEST SALEM, Ohio — The Northwestern FFA has started a new fundraiser this year in conjunction with Bauer Ladder Corporation of Wooster, Ohio, by selling/distributing the locally made ladders.

Bauer ladders range from a variety of small 2-foot ladder to a large 40-foot extension ladder. For more information or to buy a ladder contact Northwestern FFA by phone at 419-846-3163 ext.1317.

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PLYMOUTH, Ohio — Plymouth FFA will hold its Adopt-A-Highway at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 16. Each crew of students will have safety vests and be accompanied by at least one vehicle/chaperone.

The FFA fruit sale will begin Oct. 18 and last until Nov. 5. This fundraiser will help pay for meeting meals, student trips, FFA events and FFA banquet.

The club will be trick or treating door to door in groups of two or more to collect nonperishable items for the Plymouth-Shiloh Area Food Pantry Oct. 30.

The Haunted Shop/Hay Ride will be held Oct. 31 in the Ag Room from 6 to 8 p.m. The FFA will host a haunted shop for the community at the elementary haunted halls. The club is in need of Halloween decorations and students dressed up to assist with the event.

As soon as the field conditions are appropriate, the corn field will be harvested.

The Plymouth-Shiloh FFA alumni held a 50/50 raffle during the annual car show at the Hound Dog Hop.

The raffle was open from 1-3 p.m., and the winner was Jim Vaughn from Lodi, Ohio, who donated half of his earnings back to the Plymouth FFA Chapter.

The chapter plans on purchasing a new camera to capture photos from the more than 40 events members participate in each year.

Forty-three Plymouth FFA’ers attended Farm Science Review Sept. 19. Students’ assignment consisted of going to visit a college booth, conducting a 1-on-1 interview with a representative of a company of our choice, taking a picture of ourselves on machinery, and eat lunch and figure out where that food came from.

Dave and Ben Bisel served as chaperones.

On Sept. 18, 35 Plymouth FFA members attended Richland County soil judging competition at Fackler farms. All Plymouth FFA members competed in the rural soils competition.

The chapter’s district rural soils team includes Amy Grube, Calvin Redden, Zac Arnold, and Bre Stumbo.

New to the Plymouth FFA Chapter is the addition of urban soil judging. The 2012 urban team consists of Austin Bisel, Tyler Elkins, Kyle Adams and Josh Endicott.

On Sept. 13, 25 Plymouth FFA’ers attended the District 2 forestry competition held at Camp Michael in Bucyrus. The contest was preceded by a one-hour learning course. Stations included a chainsaw safety class, a timber cruising class, a general forestry course, and a tree identification course.

Plymouth FFA placed fourth in the district competition, with top scorer Levi Myers leading the way. Levi Myers also placed third individually.

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BELOIT, Ohio — During the West Branch FFA meeting, new business included a discussion of upcoming fruit sales. The prices for this year have gone up. The official starting date is Nov. 19 through Nov. 26.

Order sheets will be in the high school office. Delivery date is Dec. 3.

The club has about 300 to 500 bushels of soybeans ready for harvest, along with two fields of corn.

Three FFA members attended soil judging at Campbell Farms.

FFA sponsored milk vending machines are up and running. Last year, the chapter made a profit of about $1,800 after paying to repair the machines.

Officers are president, Kyla Sharp; vice president, Mike Douglas; secretary, Charlene McGuire; treasurer, Mikayla Hahn; reporter, Jake Smith; and sentinel, Jamie Malcomson.

The club also have 100 FFA members.

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BEVERLY, Ohio — The Fort Frye FFA soils teams attended the county soils competition Sept. 21.

The urban team won the competition and the rural team placed second.

The teams subsequently attended the district soil judging competition, where the urban team placed fifth and earned a berth in the state competition.

The rural team placed seventh.

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ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Marlington FFA officers and adviser Jessica Helsinger traveled to Columbus Sept. 26 to the Statehouse for the first Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference.

Members worked in the morning with Adam Sharp of the Ohio Farm Bureau to understand the legislative process and its effect on their education. The members attended the luncheon with several Ohio senators and representatives, and hear remarks from Gov. John Kasich during the event.

Local FFA’ers attending included: Staci Faverty, Whitley Murphy, Brittney Costa, Haley Faverty, Antigone Castellucci and Megan Conrad.

On Sept. 22, the chapter traveled to Bolivar to NTR Canoe Livery for a “Welcome Back” event. More than 20 students, family and friends gathered for the six-mile trip down the Tuscarawas River.

NTR Canoe Livery is also home to junior Brittney Costa’s supervised agricultural experience project in which she placed as a state runner up last year at the State FFA Convention. During the trip Costa showed the younger members all about her project and even got the members to help with cleaning and loading the canoes.

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WARREN, Ohio — The Trumbull Career and Technical Center FFA 2012-2013 officers are as follows: president: Daniel Montgomery; vice president: Ryan Smith; secretary: Kayla Eggleston; reporter: Veronica Easterday; treasurer: Melody Taylor; advisers: Caleb Dean, and Adaira Cox; sentinels: John Gallasher and Erica Magby; and historians: Ashley Lloyd, and Darian Rucker.

At a recent meeting, FFA members thanked guest Dr. Alan Knott from Country Side Veterinary Clinic for being the only veterinary clinic to participate in the Pfizer FFA support program. Of any medical supplies purchased through Pfizer, 1 percent of the total was donated to the local FFA chapter.

Also, Syngenta dealers, Millers and Sons, from Farmdale, Ohio, choose the TCTC chapter to donate their money donation along with a FFA standard blue jacket.

The chapter’s fruit sale fundraiser starts Oct. 17 and ends Nov. 16.

Members will be participating in the Niles Halloween parade Oct. 28. FFA members joining will be wearing an orange official FFA T-shirt with black lettering. These T-skirts will be worn during FFA spirit week as well.

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WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — The Miami Trace FFA is participating in the second annual “Paint the Town Pink” project.

Originally led by Rachel Shepard, a Miami Trace student, Paint the Town Pink is a special event that will be taking place all throughout Washington Court House.

During the campaign, local companies will be given the opportunity to donate money to have their windows painted with the breast cancer ribbon. All proceeds from these donations will go to Emerson Marting and his family.

This year, chapter members have joined with Shepard to make this event even bigger. Also, in order to help raise more money for the fund, officers will be painting small yellow ribbons on car windows (for a small donation) at the Miami Trace football game Oct. 19. All proceeds from the car window painting will be donated to the Sam Bish Foundation in memory of Garrett Harper.

The Paint the Town Pink walk will be held Oct. 13 beginning at TSC; registration will be at 1:30 and the walk will begin at 2 p.m. T-shirts for the event will be sold at the high school and at Pettit’s stores and the Rusty Keg for $10. All proceeds from the T-shirt sales will be donated to the FCMH Partners in Pink Mammogram Program, which allows women in Fayette County to receive mammograms for free.

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ZANESVILLE, Ohio — West Muskingum FFA members attended the Farm Science Review Sept. 19. Students learned about soil judging, new technologies in agriculture and the new Grain C.A.R.T. developed by OSU. This cart is used for training first responders on grain bin and grain cart accidents.

On Sept. 20, members participated in the District 8 FFA Soils contest in Muskingum County on the farm owned by Bill Balderson.

Members of the structural engineering class, Clay Scott, Austin Kennedy, Jack Mills and Alex Berkfield, comprised the urban land judging team. The rural land judging team was comprised of members from the natural resource class and agriculture, food, and natural resources classes: Laycee Glosser, Caylissa Murrey, Kyle Lewis, Megan O’Donnell, Travis Teters, Mary Teisinger, Indy Gantt, Trent Scott, Michael Newsom, Kendall Erwine, Tristan Head, Westley Clowers, Kaustin Mock, Kathryn Bird, Donnie Miller, Dwight Bird, Brandon Sweeney, and Michael Campbell.

The urban team placed seventh out of 10 teams. Clay Scott placed 15th overall.

The rural team placed fifth out of 10 teams. Laycee Glosser was the top scorer for West Muskingum, finishing 18th. The team will compete in the state soils contest at Malabar Farm in Richland County Oct. 13.

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ALBANY, Ohio — Forty members of the Alexander FFA chapter attended the multi-county soil judging contest Sept. 14. They went through a course of three pits, a practice pit, and a book test.

Alexander’s teams placed first in rural and urban, and the teams then traveled Sept. 25 to New Lexington to compete in the district contest. The rural team placed 12th out of 19 and the urban placed third out of 16 teams.

The urban team is made up of members Jed Anderson, Caitlyn Mullins, Tiffany Cooper, Ryan Dael, and Brandon Hixson. They will now compete at the state competition Oct. 13 at Malabar Farm in Richland County, Ohio.

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DIAMOND, Ohio — Eleven Southeast FFA members attended the district soil judging contest at Harold Campbell’s Farm in Lake Milton, Ohio. Members who attended the contest were, Tony Locke, Alex Lange, Jessica Earnest, Nelson Hughes, Nick Sampson, Nathan Boring, Michael Oaks, Alex Zavara, Jimmy Bishop, Brandon Loebick, and Tim Tarter.

Hughes placed second in urban land judging while Sampson placed second in rural judging. Overall the urban team finished second and the rural team placed fourth.

Four of the chapter’s officers — Vice President Alex Zavara, Sentinel Jimmy Bishop, Secretary Jessica Earnest, and Reporter Tim Tarter — attended an officer training Oct. 4 at the Trumbull Career and Technical Center.

After the training, all the FFA chapters participated in a leadership session that was led by state FFA reporter Daniel Zimmerman.

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MARIETTA, Ohio — FFA members of the Fort Frye, Marietta, Morgan, Warren and Waterford chapters, attended the annual Washington County Soil Judging Invitational Contest Sept. 21.

The contest was hosted by Charles and Mary Campbell, owners of Campbell’s Hog Farm. Washington Soil and Water Conservation District also assisted with the event.

The Fort Frye chapter won the urban contest. Team members consisted of David Clark (first individual); Curtis Ferrell (second individual); Joe Lang (third individual); and Nathan Bullock.

The Waterford FFA team won the rural contest. Team members included Megan Giffin (first individual); Blake Campbell (second individual); Katie Wagner and Eric Flowers.

Winning teams and the top three individuals for both urban and rural will be recognized at this year’s annual Washington County Soil & Water Banquet Oct. 18 at the Washington County Career Center.

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