WOOSTER, Ohio — The Triway FFA chapter held a meeting June 3 at the Triway High School oval.
The Triway FFA chapter will attending the Ohio State Fair in July, leaving the school at 7 a.m. to drive to Columbus to work the beef booth. Eight free tickets are provided for workers’ so the first eight to sign up will be guaranteed a spot. Workers need to wear hats while preparing and serving food. Contact Mr. Sidle for further information.
The Triway FFA chapter will be working the gates at the HPOCA National Summer Show June 21-22. The chapter will potentially wear nail pouches or carpenter belts with the chapter name on it to put the money in. The chapter still needs parents to sign up to help work the gates and park cars.
An Open Shop Day was discussed as a possibility. The shop at the school would be open one day a week to anyone who was working on a project.
The Hospital Garden will be looking for people to pick strawberries and blueberries.