DIAMOND, Ohio — The 59th annual Southeast FFA banquet was held March 24.
Nicole Cutlip, who was recognized for being a State FFA Degree recipient, won the Star in Agricultural Placement Award.
Nathan Boring and Alex Zavara were awarded the Star Greenhand award, and Benjamin Nething received the Star Chapter Farmer Award.
Honorary Chapter Farmer Degrees were awarded to Steve Miner of Miner’s Tractor Sales, Chris Diehl and Don and Mary Ann Nething.
Eleanor McConnell Memorial Scholarships, $1,000 each, were awarded to Nicole Cutlip and Benjamin Nething. Matt Davis, Brent Gray, Shawn Gray, Craig Lemasters, Coty Lipply and Kyle White were granted $750 Student Service Auction Scholarships.
After the awards ceremony, guest auctioneer, Rudy Kiko, auctioned off 29 students, 10 cattle panels, a heavy duty hay saver round bale feeder, four PVC round bale feeders, and an 8N Ford tractor. The students that sold will work eight hours for their buyers.
All of the equipment sold was built and/or refurbished by the students in the agriculture shop. The 8N Ford Tractor and many of the parts were donated by Miner’s Tractor Sales.
The resulting income of the auction was approximately $11,000 dollars, which will be put into a scholarship fund for college, FFA camp and convention scholarships.
LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — Members of the Loudonville FFA attended judging competition at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus April 2.
The equine team included Elena Hoover and Shana Esseleburn. The general livestock contest drew 736 participants. Loudonville FFA member Raelyn Fliger placed 174th, and John Nelson placed 396nd.
Nature/wildlife individual Anthony Sweede placed 39th.
WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — Members of the Miami Trace FFA chapter competed April 2 in the state career development event judging contest. Miami Trace’s general livestock judging team won the state contest, placing first out of 156 teams.
Team members were Colt Penwell, Jamie Payton, Austin Chester, Trevor Kirkpatrick, Garrett Reed and Tanner Mick.
Miami Trace’s agronomy judging team consisted of Ben Hisey, Rachel McClish, Ryan Hiser, Aaron Sollars, Madison Hisey, Landon Gibbs, Judith Straathof, Kyler May, Chandler Ford and Charlie Hiser. The team placed second overall out of 32 teams.
Dairy cattle team members were Terry Perkins, Barbara Sears, Sam MacGregor, Carly Strayer, Josh McKay, Tiarra Perkins, Melissa Ritneour and Brooke Mossbarger. The team placed seventh out of 70 teams.
Equine management team members were Shauna Allman, Zach Hoppes, Tabby Morris, Blake Pitstick, Kayla Kiser and Brandon Jordan. The team placed 26th out of 129 teams.
The poultry judging team placed eighth out of 61 teams and members were Josh Monroe, Julie Miller and Austin Bennett.
JEROMESVILLE, Ohio — The Hillsdale FFA chapter has participated in invitational career development events in 2011 in Mount Gilead, Marysville, Miami Trace and Ashland. It also competed at the state competition April 2.
At the Mount Gilead invitational the agronomy team placed second. Individually placing were Hannah Shock, first; and Mariah Glass, fifth. The agronomy team placed third at the Marysville Invitational and Shock placed second individually. At the Miami Trace invitational the agronomy team placed fourth and Shock placed fifth individually. At the district competition the agronomy team placed fourth overall and Shock placed fourth individually. At the state competition, the agronomy team placed sixth overall.
At the Mount Gilead invitational, the dairy cattle team placed 11th and it placed 16th at the Miami Trace invitational.
The dairy products team placed eighth at the Mount Gilead invitational and seventh at the Marysville invitational. The dairy products team placed second at the Miami Trace invitational. Individually placing was Tiffany Willis, 10th. At districts the dairy foods team placed sixth overall and Morgan Austin placed 10th individually. The dairy foods team placed fifth overall.
The equine management team placed 23rd at the Mount Gilead contest. At the Marysville invitational, the equine management team placed 47th. The equine management team placed 20th at the Miami Trace invitational. At Ashland, the equine team placed 10th overall.
At the Mount Gilead contest, the general livestock team placed second. The general livestock team placed eighth at the Marysville invitational. Members competing included, Colton Burkett, Jared Whitcomb, Jacob Stitzlein, and Zane Gross. The general livestock team placed seventh at the Miami Trace invitational. At Ashland, the general livestock team placed fifth overall.
At the Mount Gilead contest, the poultry team placed fifth. Individually placing was Stephanie Schuck, sixth. The poultry team placed 11th at the Marysville invitational. At the Miami Trace invitational the poultry team placed third. Individually placing were Matt Zimmerman, seventh; and Phillip Pearson, 10th. At the Ashland invitational the poultry team placed fifth overall.
The poultry, equine management and general livestock teams will compete May 5 in state finals.
COLUMBUS — Firelands FFA member Emma Ranney competed at the state FFA Creed public speaking contest March 19 at The Ohio State University. She had previously won the sub-district and District 2 contests.
At the state contest, she competed against the top 20 speakers in the state. She qualified for the finals and earned third place. She will be honored at the Ohio FFA Convention May 5 for her performance.