WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers 4-H club met recently at the Jefferson County Vocational School.
The club discussed selling cookie dough as a fundraiser.
The club held a covered-dish banquet Nov. 8 to award fair winners.
The next meeting will be Jan. 21 at the Jefferson County Vocational School.
ORWELL, Ohio — The Mustang Wranglers 4-H horse club had its monthly meeting Nov. 8 at Saddles Etc. & Gift Shop.
Club members elected officers for the 2008-2009 year.
The new officers are Stephanie Mason, president; Hannah Propst, vice president; Jackie Warren, secretary; Katrina Kingdom, treasurer; Natasha Sobie, news reporter; Anna Tancredi, recreation officer; Callisa Lewicki, safety and health officer; Rachel Fenton, club librarian and Nancy Virzi, scrapbook officer.
The club decided to collect items for Toys for Tots and canned goods for Country Neighbor for their community service project. Donations are being accepted at Saddles Etc.
The Christmas party will be Dec. 13. There will not be a regular December meeting. The next meeting will be Jan. 10.