A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Nov. 1, 2012:


MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Ridge Runners 4-H Club met at the Roberts Ridge Volunteer Fire Department’s social hall to begin the new 2012-2013 4-H year Oct. 9.

The meeting began with Kyle Clark, the vice-president, calling the meeting to order

New officers were elected. Kyle Clark was elected president, Logan Toler is vice-president, Katie Richmond-Klug is secretary, and Walker Holmes is treasurer. Other officers elected were Audrey Rine to reporter; Owen and Austin Ruckman as song leaders; Megan Snyder, Wylie Hewitt, and Laura Shipman to games leaders; and Shelby and Kaylee Reynolds as health leaders. They will receive their training at the county officers training meeting set for Nov. 5.

Other business discussed were meeting dates for other 4-H activities. Oct. 10, livestock meeting; Oct. 18, shooting sports and Goat and Rabbit Club meeting; Oct. 19, food stand at court house; Oct. 23, teen and leaders’ meeting; Oct. 30, leaders’ banquet; Nov. 3, steer weigh in and 4-H Frolic; Nov. 4, shooting sports; Nov. 5, officers’ training; Nov. 10, craft and bake sale at JMHS; Nov. 11, Achievement Awards Day; Nov. 15, shooting sports; Dec. 2, shooting sports; and Dec. 8, first-year day camp.

The next meeting will be at noon Nov. 3.

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MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club met Oct. 18 at The Barn to begin their 2012-2013 year. In the absence of the president, vice-president Logan Toler called the meeting to order.

New officers were elected. The new president is Logan Toler, Kody White is vice-president, Kyle Clark is secretary, and Cameron Holmes is treasurer. Roll call was done by signing in at the door.

The 2011-2012 treasurer’s report was read by Cameron Holmes and advisor, Michael Rine. It was the itemized year-end accounting of the club’s fiscal activities for the past year. Questions were answered and the report was approved.

Old business discussed was last year’s overnighter, fun show, clipping clinic, fair, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall food stand, Elizabethtown Festival, Wetzel County fair show, and barn capacities.

New business included plans to hold a goat showmanship clinic for Wetzel County 4-H members, possible barn expansion, and the need for more tack areas. The Constitution and By-Laws were updated and voted upon. Nov. 4 the club will be hosting a goat ultrasound clinic provided by WVU. RSVP information will be included in the newsletter.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at The Barn.

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