A roundup of 4-H news for the week of March 22, 2012:


NEWBURY, Ohio — At the last meeting of the Breeders and Feeders 4-H club beef went over the weight chart in the beef book and talked about tag numbers and average daily weight gain and to keeping track of grain cost.

Swine was reminded they must have pigs by May 19. (tag date). Swine will go over skillathon at the next meeting. Rabbits talked about changes to skillathon. There is a fun show June 9 at the rabbit barn (fairgrounds) Entry is one dollar and attendees should bring a lunch. Poultry talked about diseases and at the next meeting will cook and talk about parts of poultry.

Liesel Fenstermaker gave a health report on facial hygene. Annacy Marker gave a saftey report on proper equipment bedding for animals. The club discussed going to nursing homes as a community service project.

Dates to remember are: March 25 is the next meeting, May 12 is QA and is mandatory. May 19 is hog tagging. July 21 is project judging and July 8-13 is 4-H camp. All members are asked to save pop tabs.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club had a meeting March 11. Members reviewed and approved the new 4-H constitution from OSU.

Max, the safety officer, gave a report on safety tips for livestock after flooding occurs. Jordyn, the health officer, had the club complete a word search titled, Hazards to Your Pet’s Health.

Members donated stuffed animals to Sharing is Caring: Operation Stuffed Animal. The club was reminded to think of ideas for their cheese basket theme this year.

The club reviewed the 4-H newsletter and were reminded of important dates for 2012. Quality Assurance will be May 12, test out option is April 11. The next Sales Committee meeting is April 12 and project judging will be July 21. The club’s next meeting is scheduled for April 15.

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  1. Hello I’m not sure exactly were to post this but there is a 4-h horse symposium for Mahoning county Ohio on Saturday march 24. It starts at 7:30 at mcctc.