A roundup of 4-H news for the week of March 18, 2010


NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Village Varieties 4-H club met March 9 at North Benton Presbyterian Church, with 41 members present along with 11 Cloverbuds.

Members were advised that project books were available and they could be picked up. Members needing new club shirts were advised to contact Adviser Sharen O’Brock.

Adviser Rita Jarvis discussed the pepperoni roll sale and distributed order forms. Adviser John James discussed the club’s Web site and how members could gut information on the site.

The club will be operating a concession stand at the Horse Symposium March 27 and the club will supply workers and food.

Club members were encouraged to attend the Mahoning County Commissioners meeting March 11 at Mill Creek Metro Park Farm. The commissioners will be honoring 4-H week in the county.

The club then broke up into small groups to discuss their projects for the year.

Election of officers was held and the results were as follows: Jon Wilson, president; Billy Grammer, vice president; Valerie Weingart, secretary; Emily Theil, treasurer; Jon James, news reporter; Julia Bock, health officer; Cathy McCracken, safety officer; Olivia Jarvis, devotions officer; Mikala Hohn, demonstrations officer; Ben Grammer, recreation officer; Lea Bock, refreshments officer.

The next meeting is March 23 at 7 p.m. at North Benton Presbyterian Church. Club members should wear their shirts to take pictures for the fair booth. Orders for pepperoni rolls will also be collected.

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LEETONIA, Ohio — The Rambunctious Rabbit Raisers 4-H club met March 7 at St. Jacob’s church in Leetonia.

Health officer, Hannah Foster, gave a report on rabbit and cavy health. Safety officer Ariel Smith gave a report on kitchen safety to go along with the club’s upcoming bake sale.

An open youth rabbit and cavy show was discussed. The show will be held at the Champaign County Fairgrounds April 17.

Every member must meet their required amount of clinics to show their projects at the Columbiana County Fair; the next one will be a basic care clinic April 10 at 10 a.m. in the Rabbit and Poultry Building at the Columbiana County Fairgrounds.

After the business portion of the meeting, members played a game to learn rabbit terms.

The club also discussed its upcoming bake sale April 2 at Salem Wal-Mart and Tractor Supply in Salem. The bake sale will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds are going toward club T-shirts and the cost of member’s wristbands for the Columbiana County Fair .

The next meeting will be held April 11 at St. Jacob’s United Church of Christ near Leetonia. This will be the last meeting at the church; all meetings to follow will be held at the fairgrounds in the Rabbit and Poultry Building.

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DAMASCUS, Ohio — The Circle 62 4-H club met Feb. 27.

It was announced that club members sold 150 wreaths in December, for the fundraiser.

Club members also discussed their participation in a community service benefit supper for the Baker family Jan. 23.

members elected the following individuals as officers: Kyla Sharp, president; Alex Cope, vice president; Jade Huff, secretary; James Kataro, health reporter; Joey Hollback, safety reporter; and Allyson Kornbau, news reporter.

Several members gave project reports, including: Jade Huff, hogs; Noah Ivan, sick calves; Allison Slutz, how to prepare a chicken for show; Macie Schrecengost, lambs; and Whitney Wallace, treating parasites on steers.

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NEW CASTLE, Pa. — The Mane Attractions equine 4-H group met March 8 at Clenn-Moore Presbyterian Church.

A special guest from Purina Milling Feed Store in Ellwood, Pa., visited to teach members about horse nutrition.

Members received new show rule books and talked about some of the changes they made in the classes.

The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. March 22 at the Presbyterian church.

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PARIS, Ohio — The Farmers, Fitters & Critters 4-H club met March 13, and members received their project books.

Members presented their animal projects to the group, and made Easter cards for nursing home residents.

Members also received feeding information, compiled by TMK Farm Service in Sugarcreek and Kalmbach Feeds, that shows the members the difference in feeding dairy beef feeders and dairy heifers.

Members are putting together a raffle basket and selling tickets for the 16th annual 4-H Advisory Committee Swiss Steak fundraiser dinner. The dinner will be held from 4:30-7 p.m. April 24 at the Nimishillen Grange.

The club is accepting members until April 1; contact the extension office or e-mail ffc4hclub@gmail.com.

The next meeting is at noon April 10.

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CORTLAND, Ohio — The Badger Pork Raisers 4-H club met in February and elected the following officers: president, Laura Bond; vice president, Andrew Kaiser; secretary, Emily Robinson; treasurer, Clayton Bond; news reporter, David Helberg; health and safety officer, Katie Pelton; and recreation leader, Caden Smith.

Emily Robinson was also selected to raise the 2010 St. Jude Charity Hog, which will be sold at the Trumbull County Fair and the proceeds will go to the St. Jude’s Children Hospital.

The club’s next meeting will be 5 p.m. March 21 at the Fowler Community Center. New and returning members are encouraged to attend.

For more information, call 330-772-2273.

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BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club members Ashley Algarin, Amanda Majirsky and Emily Smith assisted 4-H Master Clothing Educator Kathleen Moser with her session “You Did What With My Jeans?” at the Ohio 4-H Teen Conference held recently in Columbus.

Thirteen members and advisers traveled to the Columbus Convention Center to participate in this annual statewide event.

Club advisers Bob and Karen Day and 2009 Mahoning County 4-H Queen Megan Day represented the club at the March 11 county commissioners meeting at Metro Park Farms in Canfield. The commissioners honored 4-H with a resolution for Ohio 4-H Week, March 7 through March 13.

Ranger members will be a part of the first Mahoning County 4-H Community Day at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Canfield March 20. The club will also assist with the Berlin-Ellsworth Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held at Western Reserve High School April 2.

County 4-H Junior Leader Club president Delorean Jones reported on several activities and service projects being planned by the club and she also told about the County 4-H Fashion Board meeting.

“How to select a market lamb” was presented by Sara Cummings, who also shared information about upcoming 4-H club lamb sales and workshops.

The club’s next meeting is April 8.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club met March 3 and members approved the club constitution and by-laws.

Members submitted their Hoard’s Dairymen entries.

Club calendars were distributed and members were reminded to attend one of the required junior fair and quality assurance meetings.

Members voted to donate gift certificates for the Debbie Petersen benefit and silent auction.

A vet technician visited with the club and reviewed proper injection sites on cattle. She discussed types of illnesses, the importance of immunizations and the prevention of disease. Then the cattle were immunized, measured and dewormed.

The next club meeting is April 14.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — At the Canfield Bridle Buddies meeting March 10, club members discussed the first annual indoor show, which will be held at the Twin Lakes Equestrian Center, 5140 S. Bailey Road in North Jackson, Ohio. There will be showmanship classes, fun classes, and money added classes.

For more information contact Cindy Kingston at 330-533-7656 or Linda Griswold at 330-507-2811 or lgriswold@zoominternet.net.

The Mahoning County Annual Horse Symposium will be held March 27 at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center. 4-Hers are encouraged to be there. It begins at 9 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m.

The Canfield Bridle Buddies also plan on taking a trip to the Equine Affaire April 10. The club will be meeting at the Western Reserve High School and leaving at 6 a.m.

The next meeting will be held April 14 at 7 p.m. at the Ellsworth Fire Station.

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CORINTH, Ohio — Kangaroo Krew 4-H club held a meeting March 5 with 13 in attendance.

Melinda Weaver conducted the business meeting.

Wilbur Weaver read the secretary minutes. Frozen food orders were discussed. Tina Costarella gave a demonstration on how to ultrasound a goat.

Jonathan Russell talked about tobacco.

The next meeting is March 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Corinth Presbyterian Church. The club will be going bowling.

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CANTON, Ohio — The Beef Club met March 7 at the Washington Township garage. Curt Kline conducted the business meeting with 20 in attendance.

The club discussed pizza kits as a fundraiser, Beef Expo judging teams, committee reports, large and small animal tag ins and quality assurance.

A canned food drive done as a community service project.

Lane Hartong talked about vitamin D.

The next meeting is March 28 at 6 p.m. at the Washington Township garage.

Pizza kit orders will be collected.

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