BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club had a meeting Dec. 29. The club received their check from the 4-H advisory committee for participating in the cheese sale. The club also reviewed the 4-H newsletter.
The club adviser will be picking up the club packet on Jan. 18. Members were reminded of important dates for 2012. Quality assurance will be May 12 and project judging will be July 21.
The clubs next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 29.
SALEM, Ohio — Goshen Good Growers 4-H club will be hosting an open house, Jan. 25 at Bunker Hill Church, 15096 W. Middletown Road, Beloit, Ohio. The open house will start at 6 p.m. Old and new members are welcome and encouraged to attend. If unable to attend, please contact an adviser.
BURTON, Ohio — The Totally Dogs 4-H club went to the Cleveland Zoo for the club’s Christmas party Dec. 10.
It was a cold, snowy day, but members had a lot of fun walking through the zoo and going to the indoor exhibits. They also enjoyed lunch and homemade cookies there.
HANOVERTON, Ohio — The Hicks and Hayseeds 4-h club recently selected officers. President is Sam Hake; vice president is Jonah Hake; secretary is Travis Miller; treasurer is Kristen Chestnut; news reporter is Kassie Chestnut; health and safety officer is Tyler Miller; and recreation leaders are Brynn Hofmeister and Nathan Miller.
The group recently had a food giveaway for people in need and had its Christmas party at Forest Lanes.
The club will make Easter candy to pay for a trip to North Carolina.