A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Feb. 5, 2009


WARREN, Ohio — The Trumbull County 4-H Dairy Judging Club held its monthly meeting Jan. 25 at the Trumbull County Ag Center.

Club advisers are Richard Owen, Bill Smith and Dave and Becky Lynn. There are 15 club members.

The following officers were elected: Brock Elsea of Vernon, president; Nick Aberegg-Smith of Kinsman, vice president; Laura Bond of Lordstown, secretary; Dan Christner of Lordstown, treasurer; Louis Liming of Lordstown, news reporter and Braydon Elsea of Vernon and Billy Smith of Kinsman, recreation.

A fundraiser was planned to be held March 7 at Tractor Supply, Elm Road, Warren.

Members also went over the reasons for a class judged at Kibler Farm and the Holstein linear classification program was explained. This is the type of judging that will be done at ATI.

Upcoming meetings will be Feb. 8 at the Boggs farm in Andover and Feb. 22 at the Klingensmith farm in Leavittsburg.

These meetings will be judging practices in preparation for the judging contest Feb. 28 at ATI in Wooster, Ohio.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The All American Kids met Jan. 21 at the Carroll Health Care Center to elect officers.

Elected were Jordan Morsheiser, president; Holly Carrick, vice president; Mykayla Nichols, secretary; Abbey Yekel, treasurer; and Alex Gotschall, news reporter.

Enrollment cards were distributed and are due at the next meeting. The club’s window committee set a meeting date, and the still, small and large animal committees will meet Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m.

Ten members will give health and safety talks at the next regular meeting, Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the health center.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The New Horizons 4-H club had 26 members in attendance for a meeting Jan. 23.

The club voted to give a $20 donation for the endowment auction and accepted Kim Locker as demonstrations leader. Members also discussed 4-H Week activities and agreed to place a club window decoration at the Dellroy Hardware.

Members also received enrollment cards and family guides.

The next meeting is Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. at Baxter’s Ridge United Methodist Church.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — Members of the M-Town Clovers had their first meeting of the new project year Jan. 24.

In old business, members discussed the club’s bake sale, Best of 4-H night and awards and the endowment auction.

Members were appointed to species committees and also discussed 4-H Week kickoff night, the window decorating contest and project enrollment deadlines.

The next meeting is Feb. 14 at 10 a.m. at the Minerva Subway.

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EAST CANTON, Ohio — The East Canton Variety 4-H club had a meeting at St. Paul’s at 6 p.m. Jan. 11. At this meeting members went over the constitution and talked about possible fundraisers.

As a club, members agreed on a car wash as one of the yearly fundraisers. It will be held June 27 at the Foltz Community Center in East Canton.

The 4-H birthdays we celebrated for the month were Nathan Kennedy and Emily Bosler.

Eli Bosler gave a demonstration on this 4-H project about bee keeping.

The demonstrations for next meeting are Eli Bosler, Jack Haines, Julia Haines, J.T. Chamberlain, Danielle Chamberlain and Hannah Butler.

The next meeting will be Feb. 8 and refreshments will be provided by the Eyler and Metz families.

At this meeting it is very important for one of the 4-Her’s parents to attend because the club rules and constitution must be signed by both the member and a parent.

Another very important thing happening at this meeting is the club fees of $10 will begin to be collected from every member.

Any 4-Her who can not attend this or any meeting must call an advisor and remember to bring canned goods to meetings for the church’s food bank.

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BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers 4-H club is busy working on many activities.

Club members voted to sell Rada products as a fundraiser, with profits paying for their dues, insurance, books, fair admission, supplies for club meetings and fair booth, incentives, club shirts, trophy sponsorship and Cloverbud activities.

Community service projects for this year include food donations to St. Vincent De Paul, collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald Hospice House, collecting Campbell’s Soup labels and collecting Box Tops for Education for the local schools.

The latest community service project is collecting newspapers, magazines and phone books to recycle at the Ohio State University Extension office in St. Clairsville. Each club records the weight of paper products collected and members receive a check. The Barnesville club will donate all of its recycling money to 4-H Camp Piedmont.

The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers 4-H club has 15 members this year, including five first-year members. New members are Jacob Greenlee, Taylor Harry, Mariah Riley, Megan Riley and Emily Rockwell. Katie Rockwell is a Cloverbud; Jenna Duvall and Kaitlyn Arigoni are Cloverbuds in Waiting.

Andy and Arin Selmon recently applied for local awards and interviewed for state trip scholarships. Andy Selmon also attended the Ohio junior fair board conference with a delegation from Belmont County.

The club’s next meeting is at 10 a.m. Feb. 14 at the Main Street United Methodist Church.

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