A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Dec. 22, 2011:


MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. –The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club met Dec. 8 at The Barn to discuss plans for 2012.

The club members decided to plan to participate in the 2012 Moundsville Christmas parade. A committee will be formed at the April meeting to start the planning. The club also received two thank-you cards and they were read to the members. It was also stated that the club was mailing out nearly 110 Christmas cards.

It was decided to set up the April overnighter. Plans will be finalized at the February meeting.

The club’s first fundraiser was also voted upon. They will participate in Hoss’s Community Night Jan. 28. Other fundraisers were also discussed.

The goat topic discussed was the care of pregnant does and newborn kids and the feeding and care of newly purchased market goats. The discussion was led by meat goat adviser, Michael Rine.

The rabbit topic was common diseases. This was led by Logan Toler in the absence of the rabbit adviser.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. February 16 in the basement of The Barn.

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WINONA, Ohio — The Lone Rangers 4-H club met Nov. 13 at the Winona Friends Church.

The 2011 officers election was held and the following members were elected: president, Mitch Kelly; vice president, Audra Antram; secretary, Bridgette Kelly; treasurer, Jacob Althouse; historian, Kelly Heffinger; games, Frankie Heffinger; call reminder, Courtney Sanlo; and news reporter, Von Herron.

For the December meeting, members will be caroling at Blossom Nursing Home, followed by a pizza party.

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