CORTLAND, Ohio — The Trumbull Dairy Judging Team met April 17.
Members received books, discussed their booth and barn ideas, and recapped their performance at Spring Dairy Expo. Members are to submit their own registrations for Dairypalooza at Grammer Jersey Farm April 30.
The group’s next meeting is May 15, and members are to bring their animal registrations.
LORDSTOWN, Ohio — The April meeting of the Cows R Us 4-H dairy club was held April 17.
Project judging will be June 20 at Lakeview Elementary School. Everyone is required to attend.
The club is donating money for the renovation of the milking parlor at the fairgrounds. Fair decorations were planned.
Money for the cheese basket is due.
Everyone is encouraged to attend Dairypalooza at the Grammer Jersey Farm in Beloit April 30. April 23 is the registration deadline.
The nest meeting is May 15 at Southington Christian Church.
LISBON, Ohio — Kids, Kows, N’ Kritters 4-H club will hold a fun day for the public May 1 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Columbiana County Fairgrounds.
There will be face painting, games, a balloon launch, a petting zoo, music and a Chinese auction.
All proceeds benefit Columbiana County 4-H.
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Ridge Runners 4-H club met April 12 at the Robert’s Ridge Volunteer Firehouse.
Old business discussed included hog weigh in and the rabbit round-up. The Cloverbud Club also held a bake sale in March.
New business included activity day May 6, Summer Bash held June 3, club picnic June 4, senior 4-H camp June 13-17, junior 4-H camp June 20-24, market goat weigh in May 14, market lamb weigh in May 7, clean up day at fairgrounds July 16 and fair week July 24-30.
New members introduced included Danny Hubbs, Jasmine Jasenec and Jourdan Jasenec. Next meeting slated for May 10 at the firehouse.
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club held its annual overnighter at the Barn on Eastern Fourth Street in Moundsville April 8 and 9.
Upcoming events for the club include the weighing in of their market goats May 14 at 10 a.m. at the fairgrounds. After the weigh in, members may stay and participate in the club’s second annual Meat Goat Fun Show. It is an annual fundraiser to help expand the barn facilities for the club.
Members were also invited to compete in the Monroe County Ohio’s Fun Show. Also on the calendar, is state fair market project tagging June 4, market goat clipping clinic July 9, and packaging fudge for the fair auction July 22.
Also discussed were the club T-shirts, raffle items and changes in the fair shows.
It was also noted how much the rabbit and goat projects have grown this year, prompting the expansion of the barn facilities.
Saturday was rabbit showmanship demonstrations and breed specifics. After lunch, members participated in goat skill stations and made goat milk soap for the fair auction.
BURTON, Ohio — Thompson Ledge Dairymen held a meeting April 10.
The group finalized plans for participating in the Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, June 24 and 25, a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer and generate funds for cancer research. Donations can be submitted via
The group participated in a field trip to the Lausin Dairy Farm. The group spent time walking the grounds and learning about the diary and the milking process including time in the parlor.
Thompson Ledge Dairymen also had a tractor safety presentation focusing on safe operation of the PTO and implements, stressing the importance of safety shields.
The next meeting will be held May 15 at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
NEW SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — The Springfield Booster Boys 4-H club held its monthly meeting April 10 at Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
Forty-eight members attended the meeting.
The officer elections were held and the members elected were: Spencer Snyder, president; Gabe Crowe, vice-president; Rachel Crowe, secretary; Olivia Withers, assistant secretary; Emily Sommers, treasurer; Lacey Snyder and Quinnlan Crowe, assistant treasurers; Mark Schuler, parliamentarian; Isaac Crowe and Ryan Stacy, assistant parliamentarians; and Emma Folkenroth and Emily Stacy, news team.
The Booster Boys have set a goal of having the meetings run entirely by the officers this year.
The club received a thank you from Emmanuel Church for its spring community service project of cleaning the cemetery in New Springfield.
A schedule with the 4-H dates for the year was handed out and reviewed.
The club finished gathering dues and handing out books. Snacks were brought by the Kulifay family and Matt Kelo, while drinks were brought by the Sommers family and the Santangelo family.
The next meeting is May 15 at Snyder’s lake pavilion on Beard Road at 2 p.m.