Farmers: Take online courses!


ITHACA, N.Y. — Poultry and vegetable production, business and financial planning and recordkeeping online courses all start in January. The courses are from the Cornell Small Farms program.

The following courses are starting in January:

BF 104: Financial Records — Setting up Systems to Track Your Profitability

BF 121: Veggie Farming – From Season-Long Care to Market

BF 130: Poultry Production – Profiting from Layers, Broilers, Turkeys, and Ducks

BF 202: Planning to Stay in Business – Writing Your Business Plan

BF 203: Holistic Financial Planning – Building Profit into the Picture

Each course features weekly live webinars to introduce concepts and examples, followed by online discussions, readings, and homework assignments during the rest of the week.

All courses are taught by Cornell Cooperative Extension educators, farmers, or other ag service providers, and typically include presentations by successful farmers detailing aspects of their operations.

These six-week courses each cost $200. Registration closes when the courses fill up, or by one week before the course start date, whichever happens sooner. Visit to register.