Farmers compete at Harrison dairy shows

Harrison Dairy

CADIZ, Ohio ­— Hardingdale Holsteins, Jared Harding and family of New Philadelphia, Ohio, took home both the Supreme grand champion All Breeds and the Supreme junior champion All Breeds awards at the Harrison County Fair open dairy show June 27.

Chosen as Supreme grand champion was Hard-Razor ATW Westlyn-Et, winning five-year-old and grand champion Holstein.

Supreme junior champion was the Holstein senior yearling, HT MTSS Diamondback Abagail, owned by Hardingdale & Jenneil Holsteins, Neil Deam and family, Sugarcreek.

Reserve grand champion All Breeds was the Brown Swiss, Maple Glory Quiet Twin, senior two-year-old shown by Lofty Meadow Farm, Josh Kemp and family, Belmont.

Reserve junior champion All Breeds was the Red & White spring calf shown by MNJ Holsteins, Mark Bardall and family, Tippecanoe.

The grand champion Jersey was a junior two-year-old exhibited by Rich-Mar Farms, Richard and Jay Bardall and family, Tippecanoe.

The Milking Shorthorn grand champion and junior champion was the junior yearling heifer shown by Rich-Mar Farms.

The grand champion Brown Swiss was the senior two-year-old shown by Lofty Meadow Farm.

The junior champion Brown Swiss was the intermediate calf shown by Rip-Vale Farms, Wellsburg, West Virginia.

The grand champion Red & White was the four-year-old shown by Aaron Carle, East Rochester.

Reserve grand champion Red & White was the three-year-old cow shown by Rich-Mar Farms.

The junior champion Red & White was the spring calf shown by MNJ Holsteins.

Reserve junior champion Red & White was the junior yearling shown by Caldwell Dairy Farm, Bloomingdale.

The Holstein grand champion and Holstein junior champion were shown by Hardingdale Holsteins.

Reserve grand champion Holstein was the senior two-year-old shown by Aaron Carle.

Reserve junior champion was the second place senior yearling shown by Lofty Meadow Farm.

Honorable Mention was the senior calf shown by Aaron Carle.

Judge for the open class dairy show was Grant Cope, Breezy Knoll Farm, Jersey and Holstein breeder from Salem. A total of 45 dairy animals were exhibited.

The 4-H dairy show was held in the morning prior to the Open Show. Twenty-five 4-H members exhibited dairy projects and participated in showmanship contests.

Karissa Bardall, Blue Ribbon General 4-H Club, won the Show of Showman contest and was awarded the Horace Stewart Memorial Award by the District III Holstein Club. The judge for the 4-H show was Jordan Kennedy, Butler, Pennsylvania.