Farm volunteers needed in relief work

FCFI-Mission Trip Tennessee

LEXINGTON, Ill. — The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International is coordinating disaster relief efforts for both Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle and for Hurricane Florence in North Carolina.

Florida efforts

For the Florida relief efforts, lodging and meals have been organized in Marianna, Florida, using the FCFI motor coach and shower trailer parked at the Riverton Community Church.

Volunteer farmers and ranchers are needed to donate their time to rebuild fences and clean up downed trees destroyed by the eye of Hurricane Michael in October, because many trees fell onto fence lines.

It is too early to estimate how much range cubes or hay may be needed in the area. There is a need for horse hay to be shipped into communities from Blountstown to the Gulf of Mexico.

Cash donations are needed to buy diesel fuel for generators as electricity has not been restored.

Hurricane Florence

FCFI relief efforts are also underway in Burgaw, N.C., for Pender, Duplin and Jones counties.

Lodging and meals have been organized and volunteer farmers are encouraged to donate their time to rebuild fences and clean up downed trees.

For more information regarding how you can join either recovery team, call 309-365-8710, fax 309-365-7023, or email

All financial gifts are tax deductible.