Farm and Dairy’s digital impact

Digital impact, computer screen
The Farm and Dairy's content is seen by millions online via, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

SALEM, Ohio — In 2017, we celebrated several milestones in digital reach for Farm and Dairy content. We had more than 1 million unique users visiting our website (, and more than 7 million users reading our posts on Facebook. We are thankful for our 27,000 print subscribers and we look forward to serving you online as well.

Online users can access agricultural news, auctions and classifieds while interacting with one another via comments. The Farm and Dairy online community has sent many of our stories viral, reaching thousands on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

At the Farm and Dairy, we are committed to serving our print and online audiences and are proud of the reach and growth of our digital impact.

Join us on social media

  • Facebook. Every day Farm and Dairy posts our top stories to our Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook to be join the conversation.
  • Twitter. We’re very active on Twitter. If there’s a breaking news situation, or something trending on the Twitterverse, we’re there. You can also take advantage of our many lists on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter @farmanddairy .
  • Instagram. You don’t want to miss our farm photography and visual news updates. Follow us on Instagram @farmanddairy.
  • Pinterest. Do you like recipes? Does a huge archive of Farm and Dairy stories sound like something you’d like? What about infographics? Farm and Dairy’s Pinterest account is filled with great visuals.
  • YouTube. Don’t miss any of our featured videos! You can check them out on our YouTube channel.

Farm and Dairy digital impact

Learn how social media is changing society

The increased use of digital media is changing people’s everyday lives and the way they connect and collaborate in the broader societal context, at work and in civil society.

Much of the impact of this heightened use is beneficial to both individuals and society. It is enabling unprecedented levels of communication, social interaction and community building across boundaries of time, place and social context. Read more of the the Word Economic Forum report.