Update 3/18/20: All Ohio State University Extension offices are closed to the public until further notice. Extension staff is working remotely and can be reached via email and phone.
Most extension programs, events and activities through April 20 have been postponed, canceled or will be held virtually.
Contact information for each county extension office and a staff directory can be found here: https://extension.osu.edu/lao.
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Across Pennsylvania and Ohio, 4-H and extension activities are on hold to hopefully slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Pennsylvania 4-H suspended all 4-H events, activities and club meetings on March 12 until further notice.
Penn State Extension also canceled all public, in-person events it sponsors through April 5. That includes workshops, conferences and meetings. Some of them may be rescheduled for a later date or moved online, if possible.
“Our primary goal is to limit exposure and transmission potential to reduce the risk to our staff and those we serve, and we appreciate the public’s understanding as we navigate these unprecedented circumstances,” said Brent Hales, director of Penn State Extension, in a statement.
Ohio 4-H asked that all 4-H events, programs and activities scheduled through April 20 be held virtually, postponed or canceled, said Kirk Bloir, state 4-H leader.
Additionally, an exception is being made this year for the livestock quality assurance certification requirement for members with livestock projects. Bloir said they discussed the situation with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
The quality assurance certification must be completed before opening day of exhibition, but it does not need to be done at least 45 days prior to opening. Youth exhibitors may take the online Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Ohio State University Extension interim director Jacquie Wilkins sent a statement to extension staff statewide that unless a meeting or event is “absolutely mission-critical, it should be delayed, held virtually or canceled” for the next several weeks.
What is “mission-critical” will be decided at a local level. For up-to-date information on Ohio State University Extension events, visit: https://cfaes.osu.edu/news/events