Workshop answers questions about seismic testing, shale gas production


ERIE, Pa. — Penn State Extension will be holding the program, “Seismic Testing, Pipeline Agreements and Shale Gas Development Updates — Where is this Industry Headed?”

Natural gas drillers have been producing the fuel from “conventional” gas reservoirs for over 150 years. New shale gas production techniques have opened much wider areas for exploration, including the Marcellus, Utica, and Upper Devonian Shale formations.

Northwest Pennsylvania has recently been attracting the new attention of shale gas development. The potential of wells that may produce the more valuable “wet gas” has led to some exploratory drilling in surrounding counties.


Producing wells require pipelines and drilling companies are trying to better understand where to construct well pads for drilling.

Property owners are being approached to permit seismic testing on their land and for the construction of pipelines. Many landowners who have not been approached for seismic and pipeline agreements may be in the near future.

Join Dan Brockett and Jon Laughner, Penn State Marcellus Education Team educators as they discuss the procedure, importance and impacts of seismic testing and pipeline development and what landowners should consider when approached to lease.

A question and answer period will follow the presentation that will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of signing contracts for seismic testing and pipeline rights-of-ways.


The workshop will be held Aug. 26 at Penn State Behrend College, Knowledge Park, 5451 Merwin Lane, Room 214, Erie, PA 16510.

The same program will be held at two different times; 1:30-3 p.m. and 6:30-8 p.m. Registration is required due to limited seating. Call 814-825-0900 to register.