Eating healthy at the county fair


Q. My friends and I are planning to spend the day at an amusement park. Do you have any tips on how to avoid the sugar and calorie overload and eat as healthy as possible while there?

A. Amusement parks and county fairs can still be a fun, wonderful way to enjoy a summer day without overindulging in the sugary, deep-fried, calorie-laden foods.

Despite the temptation to feast on mounds of cotton candy, deep-fried candy bars, funnel cakes, snow cones, chili cheese fries and, of course, those infamous giant turkey legs, you can have nutritious foods and drinks at the park that taste good and are better for your health.

Pack some snacks

One of the best ways to eat healthy at the park is to pack some nutritious meals to bring with you.

While many amusement parks won’t let you bring in outside food, you can pack a cooler with ice in your car and fill it with nutritious, portable foods that you can eat throughout the day. Some ideas for the cooler include fruit, nuts, yogurt, sandwiches, and veggies such as carrots and celery sticks. If you’d prefer to eat at the park, below are some suggestions for healthy food choices from and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Healthy bites

Instead of hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries, opt for a grilled chicken breast with a side salad or fruits and vegetables.

Avoid super-sized sodas, lemonades and other sugary drinks. Choose fat-free or low-fat milk or chocolate milk instead, or a nice cold glass of water.

If you are looking for something sweet, try a candy apple. While they do pack about 300 calories each, the fiber in the apple will help keep you full.

Meat and vegetable kabobs allow you to indulge in the food-on-a-stick tradition of amusement park foods without the extra sugar and calories. Corn on the cob is also a good option, preferably without the mounds of butter.


Another thing to remember about spending the day at the fair or park — you need to stay hydrated.

One tip is to bring a water bottle with you and drink it frequently throughout the day.

If you don’t want to carry it around with you, another option is to request a cup of ice water from any food vendor at the park and drink it in between rides.