DeWine dedicates new fish cleaning station in Lakeside Marblehead


LAKESIDE MARBLEHEAD, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources joined Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to dedicate a new fish cleaning station at the Mazurik Fishing Access in Lakeside Marblehead last week. The new facility was installed and is managed by the ODNR Division of Wildlife to serve the thousands of anglers who catch walleye, yellow perch, bass and more off the coast of Lake Erie.

The cleaning station at the ODNR Division of Wildlife Mazurik Fishing Access provides ample counter space for anglers to cut and filet their fish, running water to clean their catch and a grinder that disposes of the remains.

The Mazurik fish cleaning station is one of three new stations placed along Lake Erie. The other two cleaning stations are at Huron and Avon Lake. Along with the fish cleaning station, the Division of Wildlife also installed ADA-compliant restrooms at the Mazurik Fishing Access. The total cost of the project was $1.1 million.