Dairy promotion scholarships deadline May 11

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PHILADELPHIA — Two $1,500 scholarships offered by the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program are due May 11.

Full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences with a focus in dairy science or an interest in the dairy industry at Delaware Valley University or the food marketing program at Saint Joseph’s University, are encouraged to apply.

Scholarship criteria include academic achievement, experience in the dairy industry, and/or preference to marketing dairy foods as part of the student’s undergraduate work.

Applicants must be entering sophomore through senior years in the 2018 fall semester at either university.


Interested students can download an application at: www.americandairy.com/for-farmers/ or contact Amy Yeiser Leslie at aleslie@milk4u.org.

Completed applications and all required documentation must be submitted via email to aleslie@milk4u.org with subject line “2018 PDPP Scholarship,” or a hard copy by mail to Amy Leslie, the address is on the application, by May 11.

For more information contact Amy Yeiser Leslie at 267-623-3127 or aleslie@milk4u.org.

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