WASHINGTON — The checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program has launched a new training and certification program for cattle transportation.
The program, known as Beef Quality Assurance Transportation (BQAT), provides cattle producers and haulers with comprehensive training based on their roles in the cattle industry.
Online training
Online training will be made available beginning immediately, and in-person training opportunities will begin soon.
The BQA program was first funded by the beef checkoff in the early 1990s and developed its first guidance on transportation in 2006. Today, the program offers training and certification programs for all sectors of the industry: cow-calf, stocker and feedyard.
This is the first time a nationally recognized certification has been offered for the transportation segment of the industry.
Online training for BQAT will be offered in two different modules: Farmer/Rancher and Professional.
Farmer/Rancher modules will focus on the use of stock trailers and smaller loads of cattle that beef and dairy cattle producers might typically haul themselves.
The Professional modules focus on the use of tractor-trailers and larger loads that are typically hauled further distances.
To begin training or learn more, visit https://www.bqa.org/.