Baby Beef Club celebrates 64th year


ASHLAND, Ohio — The Ashland County Baby Beef Club continued the celebration of their 64th year with the annual recognition banquet Oct. 9 at the Maple Grove Church of the Brethren Fellowship Hall.

The club coordinates one of only a few lottery steer shows remaining in the state. Chairman Rich Kline commended the producers in attendance at the show, those who transported, guided the youth through the year, committee members and their wives and the club members.

Each youth member and their buyer(s) were recognized as the checks were distributed.

Bobbi Jo Litten was honored for raising the grand champion, and Shelby White, the reserve grand champion.

Lauren Beattie received the first-year member award, and Kelsey Litten was presented with the clean aisle good housekeeping award.

Members earning record book awards were: Colton Beattie, junior 4-H record book; Bradley Aulger, intermediate 4-H book; and Karla Neer, senior record book. Bobbi Jo Litten was honored for the best FFA record book.

The showmanship winners were: senior division: Gabe Schoonover; intermediate: Bobbi Jo Litten; junior division (ages 10-12): Colton Beattie; junior divison (9-10): Trevor Kline.

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